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Problem archiving with NetSight 6.1 - File not found/Missing - Config File is empty

Problem archiving with NetSight 6.1 - File not found/Missing - Config File is empty

New Contributor II
Hello together,

I have a problem with backing up configs using NetSight 6.1.

We have a lot of devices running Extremeware 7.8e2 (Summit 200-48, Summit 400-48 and so on). The rest of our Devices are running on XOS Both Versions are grouped in NetSight with the names Extremeware and XOS.

When I try to make a backup, most of the devices are working fine. But some of them are telling me "File not found/Missing".

Anyone an idea why?

Kind Regards



New Contributor II
Solved by Comment No. 1

Extreme Employee
Marco, I also had a problem like this. Go into archive management, and click on the general tab of your archive. I changed "Process groups" to 1 and mine archived fine. It's slow but it works.


Hope that helps.

New Contributor III
Ciao Marco

This is my experience ...
To back up ExtremeWare you can use the script "Alpine - TFTP" already present in version of NetSight.
But the script for ExtremeWare (Alpine - TFTP) fails when trying to copy a file on tftpserver not enabled to write new files.

To enable writing files should be changed the configuration file tftpserver.


you can add

-c -d "/tftpboot"

root@netsight:/usr/local/Extreme_Networks/NetSight/services$ ./nstftpd --help
Usage : tftpd [-v][-c][-d dirname][-p pidfilename][-trace][-debug] [-fg]
-v print version and exit
-c allow tftpd to create uploaded files
if they do not already exist.

-d use the specified dirname as the base
where tftpd will look to read/store files
-p use the specified pid file name to store
the pid of the process
-fg run tftpd in the foreground rather than
as a daemon

Restart the tftpd server
/etc/init.d/nstftpd restart

and after check that the new option was correclty setted up
root@netsight:/usr/local/Extreme_Networks/NetSight/services$ ps axf | grep tft
4071 ? S 0:00 /usr/local/Extreme_Networks/NetSight/services/nstftpd -c -d /tftpboot -p /var/run/

Now the backup of Extremeware named "Alpine -TFTP" is working for me ...
Stil not work only on BlackDiamond beacuse the cli assume "primary" or "secondary" that was not issued by the script.
