4 weeks ago
I'm trying to upgrade the software on one of my 5420 switches using the XIQ Site Engine and it keeps failing. I get the message java.io.IOException: channel is broken. Does anyone know what this means and why its happening?
2 weeks ago
I suppose this is too hard for anyone to help. Looks like a case for GTAC.
2 weeks ago
There is no clear KCS or information to easily indicate what this error means. I would suggest a case with GTAC and a review of this article:
3 weeks ago
In answer to OscarK, changing the time out won't achieve anything as the file transfer fails without actually transferring anything. It hangs until it does timeout after about 10 minutes or so.
In answer to Ludovico, yes SSH does work and in fact I did the upgrade yesterday using CLI and FTP. So why doesn't it work via XIQ Site Engine?
4 weeks ago
/usr/local/Extreme_Networks/appdata/logs/server.log may provide additional information.
Debug may be necessary, please see following article: