‎06-15-2023 09:51 AM
When I open select a device and right click and choose Configure then Ports I'm able to change the port template on the port to Access but it does not get changed on the switch?
‎06-19-2023 03:56 AM
After using ZTP+ I want to be able to change the PT for any port but not able to enforce this on the switch, the port configuration in Site Engine can be altered but when I check the STP settings they do not change to reflect the PT I selected. Access sets up a Safeguard Edge with BPDU Restrict. The port sticks with the Interswitch PT STP settings from ZTP+.
‎06-15-2023 10:37 AM
This feels similar to the problem I faced with changing auto negotiation on a port with a PT assigned, but I was expecting I could change the PT type for a port but seems to be not recognised as a change when I check with enforce preview it shows the current and desired to be the same.
I don't expect or want to go through the CLI to make these changes.
ZTP+ assigned the port as interswitch PT which resulted in STP settings:
configure stpd s0 ports link-type point-to-point 2
configure stpd s0 ports loop-protect on 2
This causes issues for PCs and the port stays in Listening mode. If I disable STP the port forwards traffic.
So, I need to be able to change to PT Access but I cannot do this from Site Engine.
PT Access and my preferred choice:
configure stpd s0 ports link-type edge 3
configure stpd s0 ports edge-safeguard enable 3
configure stpd s0 ports bpdu-restrict enable 3
I can probably fix this by deleting the device and going through ZTP+ again but I shouldn't have to do this.