i want to use a port based XMC (TCL) Script in Device View for setting Port Alias on an EXOS Switch

i know there is another point within XMC to set port aliases but first i need this here (fewer windows changes in daily business) and second i wants to know how to insert user input in such kind of port specific XMC scripts.
i use this TCL script:
# Purpose : Example script to set port-alias on EXOS Ports
@SectionStart (description = PortAlias )
@VariableFieldLabel ( description = "PortAlias",type = String, scope = global,)
set var PortAlias ""
CLI conf $Port dis $PortAlias
CLI conf $Port desc $PortAlias
sleep 2
CLI show port $Port desc

But unfortunately the script does not request the input for variable $PortAlias.

it runs into an error because variable $PortAlias is empty.

How can i trigger that the input was retrieved and can be set via CLI successfully ??