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Error - Unable to access data

Error - Unable to access data

Contributor II
Was giving it some time to see if it would work itself out, but I've now been getting this error regularly for weeks. Any clue if there is a way to resolve this or what is causing it?
I found the following posts but it doesn't appear to reference XIQ specifically, so I don't think I'm able to follow these same steps. Any update on this issue?

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Extreme Employee


Could you verify you have no filters applied? Sometimes you can get the unable to access data error in the manage page because there is a problematic filter object.

No joy.
Just tried clearing all filters, clearing all browser data, logged back in... same error.

Contributor III
The link is for the On-Premise version, so you won't have that option of clearing the logs like mentioned in the referenced post as the screenshot you posted is the VA DC by the looks of it. I've seen it occasionally in the past with the Cloud versions though not recently, but usually has been resolved by the engineering team after raising a support ticket. Likely affecting others on the VA2 not just your account specifically.