I totally understand where you are coming from. The only thing, is about a year ago we disabled 2.4ghz on wifi0 and enabled 5ghz on it. pushed it out to all AP's and thought it was working. It was only a few months later we got tons of complaints about wifi, and in checking it was discovered that wifi0 was disabled. Very similar to whats going on now.
That turned out to be LLDP not working in the config, and the crazy simple fix was to disable it the general settings, re-enable it and push the policy back out.
The thing this time, is that i have had that wifi0 interface working..... and then this morning they were back to disabled. Its odd that i did revert on both, and one did enable wifi0 and the other didnt.
It gets stranger. After that revert, and some time swearing, i did a full config push on both, which as you know restarts the AP's. They came back up, and wifi0 is enabled again, BUT i have the orange icon on the audit... how is that even possible? after doing a full config push?
The ones with yellow highlight are the ones im talking about.....

You can see it did a full config push as the uptime is less than 40 minutes...
Here is the CLI's:

BUT, notice POWER on J-4 is enabled, but J-7 its showing disabled.....
Hmmmmmmm.... Although that could be because J7 really is set to Auto, which would be odd, as the radio profile im using is set to 10db on both wifi0 and wifi1.... so maybe power enabled means you have set a manual power, and disabled means you set it to auto.... im just guessing...
Both are still showing that orange audit icon, even though ive pushed both types of config.
The audit tab for J-4 shows this:

And the audit tab for J-7 shows this:

odd that they dont have the exact same text... and as for J4, whats the about MODIFIED, only for the next line to say DELETED....?
Something is fundamentally messed up.... I think there is some kind of conflict in the configuration.... maybe the policy telling it one thing, but somewhere else its being told something else.... I do have classification rules, but i check to make sure i didnt have the AP's in two different classification rules... you know, like turn this off in one of them, and turn it on in a different classification rule..
I do need to clean that up, as i kind of went backwards into how i set them up.
Now that both AP's wifi0 interface is enabled, im just going to clear the orange audit (click on Ignore), and after i clean up my AP templates, radio profiles, and delete two of the three classification rules, see what happens with those two AP's interfaces...
I think its that config conflict, and not faulty hardware...... dont you think?