02-23-2021 10:12 AM
Hello every one,
I tried to setup Extreme Control on my XMC in order to see what’s connected on our network.
The NAC appliance has been added to my XMC.
My Switch (ERS4900 Series) has been added in “Switches” on Access Control Tab.
There are two IP Phones connected on the port 1 and 2 but I don’t see these devices in “end-systems” on Access Control.
Does someone know what I have to do exactly (procedure?), maybe I missed something in my configuration...
I only need to use Access Control in “listen” mode, no authentication or security… only be able to see what’s connnected on my network in a first time.
It would be helpful if someone already have experience(s) about this.
02-23-2021 10:54 AM
02-23-2021 10:53 AM
Did you checked this?