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Redirecting Open SSID to Extreme Control

Redirecting Open SSID to Extreme Control

Contributor II

I've configured an Open SSID on a network profile in XIQ and it is visible from my AP. If I connect to the SSID a web page pops up prompting me to Connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot and Connect to a sign in page. When I click Connect nothing happens at this point. This is in Windows 10. Not sure if the issue is with Control or XIQ? I see my machine in End-Systems against Open SSID and it hits Unregistered rule. I'm expecting a registration page?



Extreme Employee


Thanks for posting all of this detail. There are many moving parts when it comes to successful captive portal. 

To answer your question: 

Is the idea that the AP redirects web traffic to access control using the IP Firewall object? This removes the need for a core router with PBR configured. All of my network is VLAN 1 and not routed, does this matter?

That is correct. There must be SOME mechanism in the network to redirect client traffic in order for NAC to send it's captive portal. Traditionally that was a PBR in the core router to send internet bound traffic to the NAC. 

Mostly today we see AP/Controller based redirection mechanisms that perform this task.

The AP/Controller will spoof the destination site and send back a redirect error code with the a new URL that is the NAC appliance. The browser will them directly contact the NAC to display the captive portal. 



Contributor II
After a lot of trial and error I have Guest Registration working. My environment is at home and there was a DNS issue. My test PC gets DHCP and DNS from my home router. So, after adding a host entry in my hosts file it all worked as expected.

Contributor II
Is the idea that the AP redirects web traffic to access control using the IP Firewall object? This removes the need for a core router with PBR configured. All of my network is VLAN 1 and not routed, does this matter?

Contributor II
On a different laptop I see in the URL display a connection to my EAC with Called-Station-Id (my MAC blacked out below) and a Welcome to the Enterprise Registration Center. Access Granted. If I click Click here to connect it redisplays the same screen. Again, not prompted to enter user details and register.

0ab42f242efe44c59ddbceb74c9877da.pngFinishes with Service Unavailable 503.
