Hello all,
I want to connect to EOS devices with plink (the command line version of putty).
I need plink because I will use the communicaton in scripts on my PC.
With XOS all works fine. For example I use this command:
"plink ip –l user –pw passwort show switch" => I receive the expected result
On EOS I use:
"plink ip –l user –pw passwort show system" => I receive Error: „FATAL ERROR: Server sent disconnect message.
Same behaviour if I use a config-file with the CLI-commands (like show system) instead of the CLI-command in the plink command line.
If I use the command:
"plink ip –l user –pw passwort" (without a CLI command) I receive no error but an oben CLI-session and can manualy set command on the open CLI-session.
Now the quesion. Does anybody know how I can connect to EOS via plink?
Best regards