Do you know what that means "AdminState/OperState" in lacp config ?
I suspect a problem with a dynamic lag, I see different state with "show port lacp " command (it is a 7100 series):
Port Instance: tg.4.24 Port enable state: Enabled
ActorPort: 856 PartnerAdminPort: 856
ActorSystemPriority: 32768 PartnerOperPort: 4
ActorPortPriority: 32768 PartnerAdminSystemPriority: 32768
ActorAdminKey: 59 PartnerOperSystemPriority: 0
ActorOperKey: 59 PartnerAdminPortPriority: 32768
ActorAdminState: -----GlA PartnerOperPortPriority: 0
ActorOperState: --DCSGlA PartnerAdminKey: 856
ActorSystemID: 02-22-0a-01-00-34 PartnerOperKey: 0
SelectedAggID: lag.0.59 PartnerAdminState: --DCS-lp
AttachedAggID: lag.0.59 PartnerOperState: --DCSGSA
MuxState: Distributing PartnerAdminSystemID: 00-00-00-00-00-00
DebugRxState: Current PartnerOperSystemID: 78-e7-d1-e9-16-00
portStandbyReason: none
There is a problem with the lag ? The Operstate show a difference with short/Long lacp timeout, it can cause a problem ?
Thanks for your answer.
Best Regards,