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LACP question - 7100 series

LACP question - 7100 series

New Contributor

Do you know what that means "AdminState/OperState" in lacp config ?

I suspect a problem with a dynamic lag, I see different state with "show port lacp " command (it is a 7100 series):

Port Instance: tg.4.24 Port enable state: Enabled
ActorPort: 856 PartnerAdminPort: 856
ActorSystemPriority: 32768 PartnerOperPort: 4
ActorPortPriority: 32768 PartnerAdminSystemPriority: 32768
ActorAdminKey: 59 PartnerOperSystemPriority: 0
ActorOperKey: 59 PartnerAdminPortPriority: 32768
ActorAdminState: -----GlA PartnerOperPortPriority: 0
ActorOperState: --DCSGlA PartnerAdminKey: 856
ActorSystemID: 02-22-0a-01-00-34 PartnerOperKey: 0
SelectedAggID: lag.0.59 PartnerAdminState: --DCS-lp
AttachedAggID: lag.0.59 PartnerOperState: --DCSGSA
MuxState: Distributing PartnerAdminSystemID: 00-00-00-00-00-00
DebugRxState: Current PartnerOperSystemID: 78-e7-d1-e9-16-00
portStandbyReason: none

There is a problem with the lag ? The Operstate show a difference with short/Long lacp timeout, it can cause a problem ?

Thanks for your answer.

Best Regards,



Contributor II
This looks as if one side of the LAG is configured for short timers (1s/3s), but the other side for long timers (30s/90s). This will not work, the side with the short timers will enable the LAG on receipt of an LACPDU, but disable it three seconds later. That will repeat in 30s intervals.

Honored Contributor

from the above link.....

State definitions, such as ActorAdminState and Partner AdminState, are indicated with letter abbreviations. If the show port lacp command displays one or more of the following letters, it means the state is true for the associated actor or partner ports: 
E = Expired; F = Defaulted; D = Distributing (tx enabled); C = Collecting (rx enabled); 
S = Synchronized (actor and partner agree); G = Aggregation allowed; S/l = Short/Long LACP timeout; A/p = Active/Passive LACP.
For more information about these states, refer to set port lacp (set port lacp) and the IEEE 802.3 2002 specification.