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Link aggregation Summit X690 Vs Enterasys N-Series

Link aggregation Summit X690 Vs Enterasys N-Series

New Contributor II
Hello i am making a Link agregation : summit X690 Vs Enterasys N7.
Configuration of Summit:

configure sharing 1:1 add ports 1:1,1:2Configuration Enterasys N-7

set port vlan ge.3.24-25;lag.0.62 1 modify-egress
set vlan egress 2-100 lag.0.62;ge.3.23-24;ge.5.23-24 tagged
set lacp aadminkey lag.0.62 62
set port lacp port ge.3.24 aadminkey 62
set port lacp port ge.3.25 aadminkey 62
set lacp singleportlag enable
set lacp enable
set port lacp port ge.3.24-25 enable

When i do a :
show port status lag.0.62

Port Alias Oper Admin Speed Duplex Type
(truncated) Status Status (bps)
------------ ---------------- -------- ------- ------ ------- ------------------
lag.0.62 down up lag
1 of 1 ports displayed, 0 port(s) with oper status 'up' or 'dormant'.

XXXXXX(su)->show lacp lag.0.62
Global Link Aggregation state: enabled
Single Port LAGs: enabled

Aggregator: lag.0.62
Actor Partner
System Identifier: 00:1f:45:d4:0f:5a 00:00:00:00:00:00
System Priority: 32768 32768
Admin Key: 62
Oper Key: 62 32768
Attached Ports: None.
Standby Ports: None.

I not see atacched ports in the link aggregation What could be happening? Missing Command?


New Contributor II
Please Help!!!

Valued Contributor III
If this is urgent, please contact GTAC directly.

New Contributor II
Hello I have only one port attached for the test this is the output commands

================== N7 COMMANDS=================
VITSCOA1(su)->show port status ge.3.24-25;lag.0.62

Port Alias Oper Admin Speed Duplex Type
(truncated) Status Status (bps)
------------ ---------------- -------- ------- ------ ------- ------------------
ge.3.24 LAG up up 1.0G full 1000-t rj45
ge.3.25 LAG down up 100.0M full 100-tx rj45
lag.0.62 LAG down up lag
3 of 3 ports displayed, 1 port(s) with oper status 'up' or 'dormant'.

VITSCOA1(su)->show port lacp port ge.3.24-25 status detail

Global Link Aggregation state : enabled

Port Instance: ge.3.24 Port enable state: Enabled
ActorPort: 600 PartnerAdminPort: 600
ActorSystemPriority: 32768 PartnerOperPort: 600
ActorPortPriority: 32768 PartnerAdminSystemPriority: 32768
ActorAdminKey: 62 PartnerOperSystemPriority: 32768
ActorOperKey: 62 PartnerAdminPortPriority: 32768
ActorAdminState: -----GlA PartnerOperPortPriority: 32768
ActorOperState: -F---GlA PartnerAdminKey: 600
ActorSystemID: 00-1f-45-d4-0f-5a PartnerOperKey: 600
SelectedAggID: none PartnerAdminState: --DCS-lp
AttachedAggID: none PartnerOperState: --DCS-lp
MuxState: Detached PartnerAdminSystemID: 00-00-00-00-00-00
DebugRxState: Defaulted PartnerOperSystemID: 00-00-00-00-00-00
portStandbyReason: none

Port Instance: ge.3.25 Port enable state: Enabled
ActorPort: 601 PartnerAdminPort: 601
ActorSystemPriority: 32768 PartnerOperPort: 601
ActorPortPriority: 32768 PartnerAdminSystemPriority: 32768
ActorAdminKey: 62 PartnerOperSystemPriority: 32768
ActorOperKey: 62 PartnerAdminPortPriority: 32768
ActorAdminState: -----GlA PartnerOperPortPriority: 32768
ActorOperState: -F----lA PartnerAdminKey: 601
ActorSystemID: 00-1f-45-d4-0f-5a PartnerOperKey: 601
SelectedAggID: none PartnerAdminState: --DCS-lp
AttachedAggID: none PartnerOperState: --DC--lp
MuxState: Detached PartnerAdminSystemID: 00-00-00-00-00-00
DebugRxState: port Disabled PartnerOperSystemID: 00-00-00-00-00-00
portStandbyReason: none

VITSCOA1(su)->show lacp lag.0.62
Global Link Aggregation state: enabled
Single Port LAGs: enabled

Aggregator: lag.0.62
Actor Partner
System Identifier: 00:1f:45:d4:0f:5a 00:11:88:19:0d:79
System Priority: 32768 32768
Admin Key: 62
Oper Key: 62 32768
Attached Ports: None.
Standby Ports: None.

========================== SUMMIT X690 ==================

* (Software Update Required) Slot-1 VITSC0A3.9 # show ports 3:47-48 no-refresh

Port Summary
Port Display VLAN Name Port Link Speed Duplex
# String (or # VLANs) State State Actual Actual
3:47 (0028) E A 1000 FULL
3:48 (0028) E R
Port State: D-Disabled, E-Enabled, F-Disabled by link-flap detection,
L-Disabled due to licensing
Link State: A-Active, R-Ready, NP-Port not present, L-Loopback,
D-ELSM enabled but not up
d-Ethernet OAM enabled but not up

* (Software Update Required) Slot-1 VITSC0A3.10 # show sharing
Load Sharing Monitor
Config Current Agg Min Ld Share Dist Ld Share Agg Link Link Up
Master Master Control Active Algorithm Flags Group Mbr State Transitions
3:47 LACP 1 L2 A 3:47 - A 8
L2 3:48 - R 0
Link State: A-Active, D-Disabled, R-Ready, NP-Port not present, L-Loopback
Minimum Active: (<) Group is down. # active links less than configured minimum
Load Sharing Algorithm: (L2) Layer 2 address based, (L3) Layer 3 address based
(L3_L4) Layer 3 address and Layer 4 port based
(custom) User-selected address-based configuration
Custom Algorithm Configuration: ipv4 L3-and-L4, xor
Distribution Flags:
A - All: Distribute to all members,
L - Local Slot: Distribute to members local to ingress slot,
P - Port Lists: Distribute to per-slot configurable subset of members,
R - Resilient Hashing enabled.
Number of load sharing trunks: 1

* (Software Update Required) Slot-1 VITSC0A3.11 # show lacp lag 3:47

Lag Actor Actor Partner Partner Partner Agg Actor
Sys-Pri Key MAC Sys-Pri Key Count MAC
3:47 0 0x0be7 00:1f:45:d4:0f:5a 32768 0x003e 0 02:04:96:9d:6e:6c

Port list:

Member Port Rx Sel Mux Actor Partner
Port Priority State Logic State Flags Port
3:47 0 Current Selected Attached A-GS---- 600
3:48 0 Idle Unselected Detached -------- 0
Actor Flags: A-Activity, T-Timeout, G-Aggregation, S-Synchronization
C-Collecting, D-Distributing, F-Defaulted, E-Expired


I just test the summit making a LACP vs a Enterasys C2 and works !!!. Only fail Vs Enterasys N7!!

Contributor II
Hi Elena,

perhaps one line of the N-Series configuration is not correct?
set vlan egress 2-100 lag.0.62;ge.3.23-24;ge.5.23-24 tagged
All other lines use ports ge.3.24-25, but the above line uses ge.3.23-24.

Using your EOS commands on an SSA (different port numbers, of course) and adding the lacp keyword to the EXOS commands, I could configure an LAG between an X460-G2 and an SSA.

Did you enable the ports on the N-Series (and the EXOS switch as well)? What output results from the command show port status ge.3.24-25;lag.0.62 on the N7? If I disable the physical ports comprising the LAG on the SSA, the show lacp lag.0.62 output shows Attached Ports: None.

We could probably help better, if you could provide the output of the following commands:
  1. (N7) show port status ge.3.24-25;lag.0.62
  2. (N7) show port lacp port ge.3.24-25 status detail
  3. (N7) show lacp lag.0.62
  4. (X690) show port status 1:1-2 no-refresh
  5. (X690) show sharing
  6. (X690) show lacp lag 1:1 # I am not sure if the LAG group-id is 1 or 1:1

Thanks. šŸ™‚