I want/need to create an ACL that only allows certain ICMP types and denies "the rest". Specifically "echo (8)", "echo-reply (0)", "time-exceeded (11)", "traceroute (30, I know. technically deprecated)", and "unreachable (3)" need to be accepted.
And "of course" there are a few other rules in that policy file as well, like accepting only HTTP/S traffic etc.
My question is, do I need to create five distinct entries in my policy file, each saying
if match all {
protocol icmp;
icmp-type 3;
} then {
or can I simply have one
if {
icmp-type 3;
icmp-type 0;
icmp-type 30;
} then {
I don't think we have (in 15.3/4/5/6.X) the option of "AND" and "OR", do we? So I guess I can not do
if {
protocol icmp; AND
( icmp-type 3; OR
icmp-type 0; OR
icmp-type 30; OR
} then {