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Aggregation L3_L4 lacp Not working

Aggregation L3_L4 lacp Not working

New Contributor
Aggrigation L3_L4 lacp Not working when we confgure aggrigation . Load sharing is not happening seams some algo issue please suggest

When we add 3 ports in aggregation traffic on master ports not happening

New Contributor
Hi I am making aggregation between juniper/redback router with lACP active .

set interfaces ge-2/2/0 hold-time up 30000
set interfaces ge-2/2/0 hold-time down 0

set interfaces ge-2/1/0 hold-time up 30000
set interfaces ge-2/1/0 hold-time down 0

Juniper Router config for example
set interfaces ge-2/1/0 gigether-options 802.3ad ae12
set interfaces ge-2/2/0 gigether-options 802.3ad ae12
set interfaces ae12 vlan-tagging
set interfaces ae12 aggregated-ether-options minimum-links 1
set interfaces ae12 aggregated-ether-options link-speed 1g
set interfaces ae12 aggregated-ether-options lacp active


Extreme switch config for aggrigation

enable sharing 10:6 grouping 10:6, 10:27 algorithm address-based L3_L4 lacp


* SW02.54 # show sharing
Load Sharing Monitor
Config Current Agg Ld Share Ld Share Agg Link Link Up
Master Master Control Algorithm Group Mbr State Transitions

10:6 LACP L3_L4 10:6 - A 2
L3_L4 10:27 - A 4

SW02.86 # show ports 10:27 no-refresh
Port Summary
Port Display VLAN Name Port Link Speed Duplex
# String (or # VLANs) State State Actual Actual
10:27 (0027) E A 1000 FULL
Port State: D-Disabled, E-Enabled
Link State: A-Active, R-Ready, NP-Port not present, L-Loopback,
D-ELSM enabled but not up
d-Ethernet OAM enabled but not up

SW02.87 # show ports 10:6, 10:27 utilization bandwidth
Port Link Link Rx Peak Rx Tx Peak Tx
State Speed % bandwidth % bandwidth % bandwidth % bandwidth
PE2*161 A 1000 0.00 10.29 0.00 70.73
10:27 A 1000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
> indicates Port Display Name truncated past 8 characters
Link State: A-Active, R-Ready, NP-Port Not Present, L-Loopback

SW02.89 # show fdb ports 10:6, 10:27
Mac Vlan Age Flags Port / Virtual Port List

Flags : d - Dynamic, s - Static, p - Permanent, n - NetLogin, m - MAC, i - IP,
x - IPX, l - lockdown MAC, L - lockdown-timeout MAC, M- Mirror, B - Egress Blackhole,
b - Ingress Blackhole, v - MAC-Based VLAN, P - Private VLAN, T - VLAN translation,
D - drop packet, h - Hardware Aging, o - IEEE 802.1ah Backbone MAC,
S - Software Controlled Deletion

MAC also on coming both ports . As we disable the sharing immediately 10:6 port start getting mac

Extreme Employee
Hi Manoj,

If I understand the problem correctly, when you are adding a third port to the aggregation, there is no traffic egressing the master port. is that correct?

Please ensure if the master port is part of the aggregation group.

sh sharingLoad Sharing Monitor
Config Current Agg Ld Share Ld Share Agg Link Link Up
Master Master Control Algorithm Group Mbr State Transitions
1 1 LACP L2 1 Y A 2
L2 2 Y A 2
Check if the Agg Mbr column has Y next to the master port. if that is seen, we need to understand the traffic flow.
Sharing the traffic on the aggregation ports depend on the traffic that are egressing the switch.

So, please share the details regarding what type of traffic is sent out of this sharing group. if you are using L3_L4, there should be variation in the source-IP , destination-IP, source-port and the destination port numbers for each traffic flow.

Refer this article to understand why traffic flow is important for the distribution of traffic in the sharing group.

Hope this helps!