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Basic SNMP traps configuration

Basic SNMP traps configuration

Contributor II
Create Date: Jul 19 2012 2:50AM


I've been struggling with the SNMP-configuration on my X350-switches. I haven't been working that much with Extreme switches so the configuration is sometimes a bit confusing.

I want to configure the switch to send snmp-traps to a server when some few incidents occur, for example only linkUp and linkDown.

Right now the configuration is like this:

"configure snmpv3 add target-addr v1v2cNotifyTAddr1 param v1v2cNotifyParam1 ipaddress transport-port 162 vr VR-Mgmt tag-list defaultNotify"

Since it's using the tag-list defaultNotify it sends traps for a lot of different things.

I know how to filter out unwanted traps but it seems more logical to me that I get to decide what shall be monitored to begin with.
The manual states that if I do not specify tag-list it will use defaultNotify. Furthermore it shows an example on where tag-list is specified, like this

"configure snmpv3 add target-addr A1 param P1 ipaddress from tag-list type1,type2".

Now, what is type1 and type2 in this configuration? How would I go about configuring so that the switch will only send traps for linkUp and linkDown?

Could someone show e an example or point me in the right direction?

Best regards,


(from Daniel_Warhammar)

Contributor II
Create Date: Jul 19 2012 3:02AM

One more thing. Is there any way to see what is in the defaultNotify tag-list?

Daniel (from Daniel_Warhammar)