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Customer is requesting a "hard loop" testing session

Customer is requesting a "hard loop" testing session

New Contributor
I have an extreme x440-24t-10G that is connected to an x670 both running EXOS The x670 is, in turn connected to a Cisco ASR 9010 that implements an MPLS circuit to a customer on the other side of the network. The end customer has requested a hard loop test and I am unsure is the x440 will take issue with a hard fiber loop being placed on the same port. Is there a method to allow the customer to conduct throughput testing with a soft-loop on the x440 to avoid dealing with STP issues? Or is there a better option available?


Cisco ASR9K

Rough design of the network layout in question.

the vlan for the customer is setup as a VMAN using tag 2716 on the x440, once the trunk hits the ASR9K, it is MPLS switched to the destination router and handed off to the customer.

Any insight on a method to conduct this testing would be most appreciated.

Contributor III
If this were me I would invest in a test set like a JDSU or something like that where you can do a mac swap soft loop off one of your ports. Carriers like to do an RFC 2544 test. They have to have a hard loop or a soft loop on one end of the service. If a test set is not in your budget then reach out to Accedian or your favorite NID vender and as long as you are at a gig or less you can drop a NID on your side and do the soft loop so they can do their testing. We are a metro carrier are required to do the RFC -2544 test on every carrier service we bring up. A one gig NID should cost less than 500 US. Good luck

Extreme Employee
I think loading the esvt xmod on the switches and run an esvt test could be a solution for you.