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Difference between VLAN service and VMAN service within a VPLS service?

Difference between VLAN service and VMAN service within a VPLS service?

New Contributor II
When I create a VPLS service in the following way show configuration | inc IF5396_VPLS create vman "IF5396_VPLS" configure vman IF5396_VPLS description "VPLS vman for IF5397" configure vman IF5396_VPLS tag 10 configure vman IF5396_VPLS add ports 1:19 tagged disable igmp snooping vlan "IF5396_VPLS" show configuration "mpls" detail | inc IF5397_VPLSID create l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID fec-id-type pseudo-wire 5020 configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID add service vman IF5396_VPLS configure vpls IF5397_VPLSID mtu 9000 configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID dot1q ethertype 0x9100 configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID dot1q tag exclude configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID health-check vccv interval 5 fault-multiplier 4 disable l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID health-check vccv configure vpls IF5397_VPLSID snmp-vpn-identifier P5020 configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID add peer core secondary configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID add peer core primary If the vman has a ethertype set to the port that is 0x9100 show vman etherType Vman Primary EtherType : 0x9100 Vman Secondary EtherType : 0x8100 Secondary EtherType ports : 1:5 1:19 1:20 1:21 1:22 1:24 1:25 1:27 1:28 Now for the questions. Egress on that port will the value be 0x9100 no matter what I have specified in the VPLS service ? I e it takes the port value. Egress in the service would the ethertype be 0x9100 if I where to include this ? If I create a vlan instead of a vman and attached the exact same service to the vpls instance configure vlan IF5396_VPLS description "VPLS vman for IF5397" configure vlan IF5396_VPLS tag 10 configure vlan IF5396_VPLS add ports 1:19 tagged disable igmp snooping vlan "IF5396_VPLS" configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID add service vlan IF5396_VPLS show configuration "mpls" detail | inc IF5397_VPLSID create l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID fec-id-type pseudo-wire 5020 configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID add service vlan IF5396_VPLS configure vpls IF5397_VPLSID mtu 9000 configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID dot1q ethertype 0x8100 configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID dot1q tag include configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID health-check vccv interval 5 fault-multiplier 4 disable l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID health-check vccv configure vpls IF5397_VPLSID snmp-vpn-identifier P5020 configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID add peer core secondary configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID add peer core primary As you can see there is two major differances, the service attached to the VPLS instance is a VLAN. The tag is included and the ethertype is 0x8100. This works precisly the same as the service above. How is that possible? I have tested this numerous times in the labb. However as soon as I change the service to a vman again and includes the tag. The service brakes. So my question is what does the vman and vlan add to the equation when it comes to VPLS? Below is the broken configuration show configuration "mpls" detail | inc IF5397_VPLSID create l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID fec-id-type pseudo-wire 5020 configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID add service vman IF5396_VPLS configure vpls IF5397_VPLSID mtu 9000 configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID dot1q ethertype 0x8100 configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID dot1q tag include configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID health-check vccv interval 5 fault-multiplier 4 disable l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID health-check vccv configure vpls IF5397_VPLSID snmp-vpn-identifier P5020 configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID add peer core secondary configure l2vpn vpls IF5397_VPLSID add peer core primary