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ELRP with dynamically changing vlan membership

ELRP with dynamically changing vlan membership

Contributor II
Create Date: Mar 13 2013 9:48PM

Hello Everyone,

I've been looking at ELRP to help prevent L2 loops. Our switches (one section of them) work in conjunction with Bradford NAC system, which based on the user's profile and settings, puts the edge port into either production vlan or registration or quarantine (non-production) vlans. ELRP if I understand correctly works per vlan only, right? For instance looping a edge port in production vlan with a an edge port in the non-production vlan will not cause either of the edge ports to shutdown, right? My final goal is to achieve prevent L2 loops when the vlan membership of an edge port is constantly changing.

Is there anyway to tweak this behavior of ELRP and if not, are there any alternatives to what I'm trying to achieve?

(from Shashank_S Kumar)

Contributor II
Create Date: Mar 14 2013 8:24PM

Thanks Prusso,

1. We have multiple vlans setup on the switch ā€“ production, registration, isolation and quarantine. The XOS switches are setup in conjunction with Bradford NAC. The default (not native) vlan configured on edge ports is untagged registration.

So when a student plugs into the switch, Bradford prompts the student to enter his details and register with Bradford. Once done, Bradford automatically moves the student over to the production vlan. If the studentā€™s laptop/PC health does not match set standards, then he is put into the quarantine vlan. Once the student disconnects, then the port is out back into the registration vlan

2. I tried this with a netgear home unmanaged switch, looped the netgear switch and connected it the XOS switch, the port wasn't disabled
I did not check to see if the ELRP counters changed.

3. No, the control vlan would always be tagged. The untagged vlans are registration, isolation, etc.

I'll test this again and see what comes up.

Thanks in advance for your help!!

(from Shashank_S Kumar)

Contributor II
Create Date: Mar 14 2013 7:22PM

Hey Skumar

I have a few questions to help understand the issue.

1) why are they ports changing VLANs so much? Are you using 802.1x? if so we may be able to use a UPM profile to launch after the VLAN is moved.
2) ELRP should shutdown a port with a remote loop, i.e. from a 3rd party switch. What symptom are you seeing where it isn't?
3) is the control VLAN the untagged VLAN on the port?

P (from Paul_Russo)

Contributor II
Create Date: Mar 14 2013 6:27PM

Damn, I totally forgot about 3rd party switches that users may plug in and loop.
*Sigh* back to some more testing... (from Shashank_S Kumar)

Contributor II
Create Date: Mar 14 2013 1:05PM

Hey Guys,

I think I found a solution.
Just create a control VLAN for ELRP. Tag it on all ports and done. ELRP works flawlessly.
Enter these two commands:

en elrp-client
conf elrp-client periodic "control-elrp" ports 1-24 log-and-trap disable-port permanent

The log looks something like this:
03/14/2013 05:55:36.56 Disabling port 21. Permanent
03/14/2013 05:55:36.56 [CLI:control-elrp:14] LOOP DETECTED : 67 transmited, 3 received, ingress slot:port (21) egress slot:port (1

Hope it helps others in a similar situation

1. When looping two edge ports on different XoS switches, ELRP disables the uplink port
2. The "disable-port" keyword in the above config works only on XoS version 12.5 and above. For previous version to shut down a port, you'll have play around with UPM a little

(from Shashank_S Kumar)