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Extreme equivalent of trunking

Extreme equivalent of trunking

New Contributor
I am having difficulty understanding how multiple vlans are transported between extreme switches (not stacked) and how they are physically cabled. With cisco i create two trunk ports directly connected between switches and pass multiple vlans between these switches on the connected trunk ports or lags. How is this physically performed with extreme. What i see in the extreme documentation is tagging, but I find nothing pertaining to how these tags are assembled on a trunk like port and passed amongst switches...

New Contributor

Good afternoon! You can help me, I require a port in trunk mode for the Enterasys sw for a physical server. Note: Enable a port in the sw to communicate with a router and it is pulling without problems.

New Contributor

Hi, finally the sw enterasys connects to a sw core cisco, my questions are: Will I have to configure the trunk port of the enterasys differently? How can I change the administration vlan with ip from sw enterasys?

I thank you that you are solving my doubts about the sw enterasys. You can also ask about sw and router cisco or you have another page to ask about cisco?

Will I have to configure the trunk port of the enterasys differently?
Not sure what you mean, a trunk is a trunk, but sure a Extreme/Enterasys uses different commands then a C.

i.e. Trunk with untagged VLAN#100 and tagged VLAN#200


conf t
int gi1/0/24
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 100
switchport trunk allowed vlan 100,200

set port vlan ge.1.24 100 modify-egress
set vlan egress 200 ge.1.24 tagged