The requested information:
The cisco router and the L3 Extreme switch are in the same vlan.
I have made several traces. In the traces of the Extreme L3 there are no redirect packets.
IP Global Statistics
InReceives = 1709943280 InUnicast = 901450824 InBcast = 495381177
InMcast = 313111279
InHdrErr = 5166521 Bad vers = 2 Bad chksum = 707
Short pkt = 225 Short hdr = 0
Bad hdrlen = 0 Bad length = 450
InDelivers = 735598580 InDiscards = 0 Bad Proto = 0
OutRequest = 1101261909 OutDiscard = 998 OutNoRoute = 0
Forwards = 517235870 ForwardOK = 517235870 Fwd Err = 0
NoFwding = 27281679 Redirects = 4322695 No route = 0
Bad TTL = 5165587 Bad MC TTL = 0
Bad IPdest = 22095733 Blackhole = 0 Output err = 0
MartianSrc = 0
FragCreate = 0 FragOKs = 0 FragFails = 998
Global ICMP Statistics
OutResp = 5171220 OutError = 0 InBadcode = 0
InTooshort = 0 Bad chksum = 0 In Badlen = 0
echo reply In = 11631 Out = 5171220
destination unreachable In = 40869 Out = 22002294
- protocol unreachable In = 0 Out = 0
redirect In = 0 Out = 4322695
echo In = 5171253 Out = 27808
router advertisement In = 428 Out = 0
time exceeded In = 396 Out = 3853084
Global IGMP Statistics
Out Query = 9674513 Out Report = 9872627 Out Leave = 20493
In Query = 6944445 In Report = 47501265 In Leave = 638949
In Error = 0
sh ipstats | include redirect
redirect In = 0 Out = 4322695
Johan Hendrik
System Architect