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Extreme L3 switch doesn't send icmp redirect packet.

Extreme L3 switch doesn't send icmp redirect packet.

Contributor II
In the network there are a L3 Extreme Networks switch and a Cisco wan router. Both devices operate with OSPF. The pc has a default gateway, which is the L3 switch. When I connect to a device which is connected through the cisco router, I expect a icmp redirect packet from the Extreme switch, but the switch doesn’t send it.

The setting ICMP redirect is enabled.

Why isn’t the switch sending those packets ?

Johan Hendrik System Architect Audax

Extreme Employee
Hey Kawawa you are right. The show ipstats will show if the packets are going to CPU to be forwarded. If both routers the Extreme switch and the cisco are on the same L2 VLAN and the Extreme is the DG then the packet should go to him first. He will know that the Cisco has the interface to the subnet and will forward it over to the Cisco and should send redirect back to the end station to tell him to send it to the Cisco.


Contributor II
Hello Johan,

can you provide the relevant routing table entries and IP addresses?


Extreme Employee
I think redirects will only be generated by the Extreme switch when an incoming packet has the Options field set, or when the destination IP of the packet is not in the L3 forwarding table, which would mean the packet would have to be slow-pathed in order for the redir to be sent. I'll double-check

Extreme Employee
Hello Johan

Can you do a show IPstats command and paste it? Also are the L3 switch and the Cisco router connected to the same L2 VLAN like a L2 switch?
