Hell all.
Good morning Ram, here my configuration:
configure radius mgmt-access primary shared-secret PASSWORD
configure radius mgmt-access primary server IP_SERVER 1812 client-ip IP_CLIENT vr VR-Mgmt
configure radius mgmt-access secondary shared-secret PASSWORD
configure radius mgmt-access secondary server IP_SERVER 1812 client-ip IP_CLIENT vr VR-Mgmt
enable radius mgmt-access
We noticed that all command which user pass ware by the switchs. Like, if a user passed "show configuration" the switch send a new check for this command. The problem is if we have any problem between switch and RADIUS server the user will do nothing any more.
We realized that beravior running tcpdum commands on RADIUS server. So, with that we could see this.
It is possible torn off this, just let the switch check login and nothing more?
Best regards.