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Hopefully simple: Setting up a trunk on a combo port

Hopefully simple: Setting up a trunk on a combo port

Contributor II
Create Date: Mar 13 2013 6:06PM

Hi everyone,
I have a Summit x440-24p in front of me, and it's my first config I'm doing from scratch.

Basically what I've done is set up a few VLANs on my core switch, and set them up on this switch as well. I have a couple of tagged VLANs on port 1 of this switch, some untagged ports for each VLAN, and all of those networks are working fine. Hard part's over, right?

Well, when I deploy this switch, it will be connected to the core switch via fiber connection, not Cat6. I have an SFP module in my combo port (21,) and I have no idea how to set up VLAN tagging on it. My core switch also has a matching module connecting it to the dumb switch that I'm replacing, but I can't figure out how that's configured either.

I notice that the front bezel has a label titled 'Shared ports' spanning between the RJ45 ports 21-24, and combo ports 21-24. Does this mean anything I do to the RJ45 port 21 will affect the combo port 21?

Thanks in advance sirs! (from RedHelix)

Contributor II
Create Date: Mar 14 2013 1:17PM

Hello RedHelix,

As mentioned by others, confiugration and commands will be the same for the copper port and the fiber port. Just rememember that at any given point in time, you can use either the copper or the fiber, but never both.

Also, consider setting up a simple LAG port on the 440 and core. This will:
1. Add resilience/fault tolerance
2. Increase available uplink bandwidth.

Command is something like this:

* X250e-24p.48 # en sharing 25 grouping 25, 26
Warning: Any config on the master port is lost (STP, IGMP Filter, IGMP Static Group, MAC-Security, etc. etc.)

* X250e-24p.49 # sh sharing
Load Sharing Monitor
Config Current Agg Ld Share Ld Share Agg Link Link Up
Master Master Control Algorithm Group Mbr State Transitions
25 Static L2 25 - R 3
L2 26 - R 1

Hope this helps! (from Shashank_S Kumar)

Contributor II
Create Date: Mar 13 2013 8:26PM

You can specify which medium will have the configuration. Normally fiber takes precedence over cooper.

When configuring combination ports you can specify the medium as copper or fiber. If the medium is not specified for combination ports then the configuration is applied to the current primary medium. The current primary medium is displayed in the Media Primary column
of the show ports configuration command output

Hope that helps
P (from Paul_Russo)

Contributor II
Create Date: Mar 13 2013 8:18PM

"I notice that the front bezel has a label titled 'Shared ports' spanning between the RJ45 ports 21-24, and combo ports 21-24. Does this mean anything I do to the RJ45 port 21 will affect the combo port 21?"

Correct. The shared ports' configuration is the same on either media type. If you plug in an SFP with fiber attached, the VLANs will be the same as if you plugged into the RJ45.

Just match the VLAN config on port 21 to the VLAN config on the linked port on your core switch, and you should be all set. (from Ansley_Barnes)