‎01-03-2019 08:09 AM
‎01-16-2019 12:59 PM
set var check "4 packets received"
set var CLI.OUT " "
set var list1 $TCL(split ${CLI.OUT} \n)
set var list2 $TCL(lindex $(list1) 7)
set var list3 $TCL(string range $(list2) 23 40)
#test if the switch ping the TFTP server address / if yes launches tftp
if (!$match($check, $list3)) then
tftp get vr "VR-Default" mac.xsf
create log message "TFTP OK"
create log message "WARNING TFTP do not ping"
‎01-16-2019 08:43 AM
set var mylist $TCL(list 00:0c:29:ce:6c:c6 00:0c:29:dd:6d:59 )
save var key mylist
tftp get IPmyserver vr "VR-Default" mac.xsf
load script mac.xsf
load var key mylist
set var control -1
#Check if the mac address ($myvariable) is part of the list ($list) / if yes #search not egals to -1 $control
set var search $TCL(lsearch -glob $mylist $myvariable)
#Check if search is not equal to control (control = -1)
if ($match($search, $control)) then
configure vlan default del port $EVENT.LOG_PARAM_0
configure vlan "myVLAN" add port $EVENT.LOG_PARAM_0
‎01-15-2019 10:18 AM
‎01-04-2019 09:40 PM
X440-8p.6 # create upm profile lldp-detect
Start typing the profile and end with a . as the first and the only character on a line. Use - edit upm profile - for block mode capability
run script lldp-device $EVENT.NAME $EVENT.USER_PORT
X440-8p.7 # configure upm event device-detect profile lldp-detect ports 1-8 X440-8p.8 # configure upm event device-undetect profile lldp-detect ports 1-8