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How do you change the number of lines displayed by clipaging?

How do you change the number of lines displayed by clipaging?

New Contributor
How do you change the number of lines displayed by clipaging?

Valued Contributor III
The configuration options I mentioned above are now available in EXOS 16.1, which was released last Thursday (6/18).
More details of the new options are available in the Command Reference Guide, specifically here.

Valued Contributor III
I just stumbled upon some configuration options for this in a beta build of an upcoming release. We'll see if it makes it to GA 🙂

# configure cli
columns Number of columns on the screen
lines Number of lines on the screen

Extreme Employee
It sounds like an easy script to do 🙂

New Contributor III
clipaging has been, lets say "interesting", since the start.

I've never asked about it - but it looks like the configuration from various parts of EXOS are displayed in sequence; and cli paging only gets a look-in at the end of each section.

So it isn't really a true pager that stops the output every XX lines, and you wouldn't be able to set this properly anyway 😞

You're stuck with it either on or off, I'm afraid.