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How do you remove VRRP from a pair of BD8806s?

How do you remove VRRP from a pair of BD8806s?

New Contributor II
Hello guys, I hope you are all doing well!

We have a set of BD8806 chassis switches that are currently running VRRP. I didn't set this up, it was way before my time. However, I'm tasked with removing VRRP from both switches because we are not going to need it in our upcoming configuration.

What are the proper commands to remove VRRP from both switches and disable it completely?

P.S. - We have 22 VLANs on these 2 switches, since I'm new to VRRP, do we need to remove it for each VLAN?


Extreme Employee
Hi Stanley.

When disabling and unconfiguring VRRP you must be careful to avoid routing problems.

Since VRRP works with a VIP address, your network devices such as PCs, Servers, IP Phones, etc might be pointing to that VIP/Gateway. That means if you disable VRRP, right after that the routing would be performed by Vlan IP address instead of VIP IP. However, your network devices IP configuration will keep sending packets to VIP address which will no longer be available.

Depending on your Vlan IP/VRRP configuration you may need to do some other adjustments.

Will you be using just 1 BD for routing? Could you please provide more details?

Also, Is your VRRP configuration using 3 IPs (1 VIP + 2 vlan IPs) or just 2 IPs (1 vlan using the same VIP address + 1 vlan IP)?

I guess that you meant "disable ipforwarding" 

Extreme Employee
You could do disable vrrp globall, right after that the switch is not doing vrrp anymore. It will still do routing but only for the vlan IP address, not for the VRRP IP anymore. After that you can delete the vrid's for every vlan.

If you want to completely disable routing enter 'disable iprouting' on the switch.

Hi Stanley,

The procedure to unconfigure/disable VRRP would be:

disable vrrp vlan vrid
delete vrrp vlan vrid
disable vrrp

I would start from the VRRP Backup node. To check the VRRP role just use the command "show vrrp".

Right after disabling VRRP on the Master node, your routing will stop working. Then just enable the Fortigate to route those networks (assuming it's already configured).

PS: Make sure the vlans are extended to your Fortigate prior to change routing roles.