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How to do Stacking Role from NONE to Backup

How to do Stacking Role from NONE to Backup

How to do Stacking Role from NONE to Backup

X250e-48p and x250e-48t Stacking. I want to achieve Master and Backup Stack Topology. Please advice me how to configure it. Thanks.


Slot-1 Stack.1 # show stackingStack Topology is a Ring
Active Topology is a Ring
Node MAC Address Slot Stack State Role Flags
------------------ ---- ----------- ------- ---
*00:04:96:28:22:1b 1 Active Master CA-
00:04:96:26:64:a9 2 Active CA-
* - Indicates this node
Flags: (C) Candidate for this active topology, (A) Active Node
(O) node may be in Other active topology
Slot-1 Stack.2 #

Slot-1 Stack.2 # sh stack configurationStack MAC in use: 02:04:96:28:22:1b
Node Slot Alternate Alternate
MAC Address Cfg Cur Prio Mgmt IP / Mask Gateway Flags Lic
------------------ --- --- ---- ------------------ --------------- --------- ---
*00:04:96:28:22:1b 1 1 100 CcEeMm--- Ee
00:04:96:26:64:a9 2 2 50 CcEeMm--- Ee
* - Indicates this node

Slot-1 Stack.5 # sh stack stack-ports
Stack Topology is a Ring
Slot Port Select Node MAC Address Port State Flags Speed
---- ---- ------ ----------------- ----------- ----- -----
*1 1 Native 00:04:96:28:22:1b Operational C- 10G
*1 2 Native 00:04:96:28:22:1b Operational CB 10G
2 1 Native 00:04:96:26:64:a9 Operational CB 10G
2 2 Native 00:04:96:26:64:a9 Operational C- 10G
* - Indicates this node
Flags: (C) Control path is active, (B) Port is Blocked
Slot-1 Stack.5 #

- Paul

Hi Patrick,

This article is very useful. Thank you for your time and effort.


Extreme Employee
Hi Paul,

I have created an article on how to troubleshoot a failed or role-less node in a stack:

Please let me know if you feel like this will help in the future. Any feedback is welcome as well. I can update this article at anytime.

Thanks Patrick,

Now my issue have been resolved by your informative advice.
I do thank you for your prompt response.

Slot-1 Stack.18 # sh stacking
Stack Topology is a Ring
Active Topology is a Ring
Node MAC Address Slot Stack State Role Flags
------------------ ---- ----------- ------- ---
*00:04:96:28:22:1b 1 Active Master CA-
00:04:96:26:64:a9 2 Active Backup CA-

- Paul

Extreme Employee
You will need to run the "debug epm clear trial-license" command and then reboot in order for it be removed. This should resolve your issue assuming slot 2 has the same default license. Trial-license should not be run on a stack or on any switch that is going to be put into production.

Hi Patrick,

I run the sh slot 2 and found out that it is because of License Mismatch.
Slot 1 is Edge and Slot 2 is Trial.
But any way how can i test this work.

Does it make sense? if i use this debug command in Slot 1 and make it as same license.
My current slot 1 license will be removed?

I used debug epm... command to Slot 2.
debug epm enable trial-license # hidden command to enable license for 30 days trial

Current State: FAIL (License Mismatch)
Slot-1 Stack.6 # sh slot 2
Slot-2 information:
State: Failed
Download %: 0
Last Error: License Mismatch
Restart count: 1 (limit 5)
Serial number: N/A(0) N/A(0)
Hw Module Type: X250e-48t
Configured Type: X250e-48t
Ports available: 50
Recovery Mode: Reset
Node MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Current State: FAIL (License Mismatch)
Image Selected:
Image Booted:
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:
Config Selected: NONE


Slot-1 Stack.7 # sh license
Enabled License Level:
Enabled Feature Packs:
Effective License Level:
Slot-1 Stack.8 #
* Slot-2 Stack.4 # sh licenses
Enabled License Level:
30 days Trial - expires in 29 days
Effective License Level:
* Slot-2 Stack.5 #