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I can't save my configuration

I can't save my configuration

New Contributor
I can't save my configuration on a BlackDiamond 8810, I'm getting this error: Operation draining timed out during save.Setting gCmServer.configCurrent to NULL!!

New Contributor
I did a reboot as Drew C. recommended and it works. I want to thank you guys for your comments, it really helped!.

Hi Alejandro ,

I just wanted to know since configuration was not being saved , did reboot erase the config or all remained as it is???

I am facing the same issue and want to know the consequences of reboot.

New Contributor
Can you try to save configuration on secondary disk

save configuration secondary

Hmmm I wonder if he unseated the failed secondary MSM he could save safely then ??? I know when we have had a backup msm go down the system is not happy till we unplug it or replace it.