ā02-13-2019 11:00 AM
# To our IPv6
entry 06_to_our_ipv6 {
if {
destination-address 2a06:6780::/29;
then {
count 06_to_our_ipv6;
# To world IPv6
entry 07_from_ipv6 {
if {
source-address 2a06:6780::/29;
then {
count 07_from_ipv6;
redirect-name uplink6;
# To our IPv6
entry 06_to_our_ipv6 {
if {
source-address 0::/0;
then {
count 06_to_our_ipv6;
# To world IPv6
entry 07_from_ipv6 {
if {
source-address 0::/0;
then {
count 07_from_ipv6;
redirect-name uplink6;
# sho access-list counter ports 1:34
Policy Name Vlan Name Port Direction
Counter Name Packet Count Byte Count
from_ipv4_ipv6 * 1:34 ingress
06_to_our_ipv6 624
07_from_ipv6 624