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Is there any doc to configure BGP?

Is there any doc to configure BGP?

New Contributor II
I need to configure bgp but I can´t see a clear procedure, anybody knows a step by step document.

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager
When a user VR is created, no resources are allocated for routing protocols. You must add the routing protocols needed for your VR before you attempt to configure them. The maximum number of protocols supported is 64.

This provides for the following protocols:

  • The basic seven protocols on VR-Default (RIP, OSPF, BGP, PIM, ISIS, OSPFv3, and R.png)
  • 1 MPLS protocol instance on any VR (only on platforms that support MPLS)
  • 56 additional protocols for user VRs. Any combination of the 7 protocols supported on user VRs (RIP, OSPF, BGP, PIM, ISIS, OSPFv3, and R.png) can be assigned to user VRs, up to a maximum number of 56.
When you add a protocol to a user VR, the software starts a process to support the protocol, but it does not enable that protocol. After you add a protocol to a user VR, you must specifically enable and configure that protocol before it starts.

When you add a protocol to a VRF, a protocol process is started in the parent VR (if it is not already started) and a protocol instance is created inside that process for this VRF.

You must add, configure, and enable a protocol for a VR before you start unicast or multicast forwarding on the VR and before you configure any features (such as VLANs) to use the VR.

  • To add a protocol to a VR, use the command:configure vr vr_name [add | delete] protocol [ospf | ospf3 | rip | r.png | bgp | isis | pim] If you add more than the maximum number of protocols, the following message appears:Error: Maximum number of Protocols that can be started in the system is 64
  • To remove a protocol from a VR, use the command:configure vr vr-name delete protocol protocol-name


I just remembered why threw this $7,000 purple switch back in storage…. I didn’t want to spend an entire day reading forum posts to learn the nuances of ExOS. Any other switch on the market can be configured (with a little knowledge) by only using context-sensitive help. Not so with Extreme switches.


New Contributor
hi i am trying to configure BGP in EXOS

(vr test1) X670V-48x.51 # show version
Switch : 800399-00-12 1452N-43568 Rev 12.0 BootROM: IMG:
VIM4-40G4X-1: 800402-00-07 1515N-46925 Rev 7.0
PSU-1 : Internal PSU-1 800460-00-06 1516W-80409
PSU-2 : Internal PSU-2 800460-00-06 1516W-80407

Image : ExtremeXOS version v1512b12 by release-manager
on Fri Apr 20 20:24:20 EDT 2012
BootROM :
Diagnostics : 5.6
(vr test1) X670V-48x.52 # show licenses
Enabled License Level:
Enabled Feature Packs:
(vr test1) X670V-48x.53 # enable bgp
Error: bgp is not running in VR test1.

i can't enable bgp in VR test1.

thank you for explanation

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager
I suggest that you start reading this topic in the concepts guide:

Configuration Overview
  1. Configure the interfaces that will connect to BGP neighbors. For each interface, do the following:[list=1]
  2. Create a VLAN.
  3. Assign one or more ports to the VLAN.
  4. Configure a VLAN IP address.
  5. Enable IP forwarding on the VLAN.For more information on configuring VLANs, see VLANs
  • Configure the BGP router ID using the following command:configure bgp routerid router identifier

  • Configure the AS number to which the router should belong using the following command:configure bgp AS-number number

  • To add one or more IBGP neighbors, use the following command and specify the AS number to which the router belongs:create bgp neighbor remoteaddr remote-AS-number as-number {multi-hop}

  • To add one or more EBGP neighbors, use the following command and specify the AS number of the remote AS (which is different from the AS to which the router belongs):create bgp neighbor remoteaddr remote-AS-number as-number {multi-hop}

  • If you want to simultaneously configure BGP options for multiple neighbors, create and configure peer groups as described in Configuring BGP Peer Groups.
  • If the BGP network will support IPv4 traffic, you can skip this step. If the BGP network will support any other address family, you must enable support for that address family on BGP neighbors with either of the following commands:enable bgp neighbor [all | remoteaddr] capability [ipv4-unicast | ipv4-multicast | ipv6-unicast | ip...

    enable bgp peer-group peer-group-name capability [ipv4-unicast | ipv4-multicast | ipv6-unicast | ipv...

  • To configure additional BGP neighbor options, see Configuring BGP Neighbors.
  • For instructions on configuring additional BGP features, see the list under Configuring BGP.
  • Enable BGP neighbors using the following command:enable bgp neighbor [remoteaddr | all]

  • Enable BGP using the following command:enable bgp