Hi Martin,
from your two options, I'd prefer the 2nd one, because that more closely follows the abstraction of MLAG as one logical link. The OSPF link type needs to be broadcast with this setup (this is the default).
I do not like your 1st option, because the MLAG setup does not provide two independent links to the stack. Thus the layer 3 configuration does not follow the layer 2 model built using MLAG. I am not sure if this would work reliably (simple tests would probably succeed).
Anyway, to have a pure layer 3 interconnect, I'd rather not use MLAG at all. Just create three (3) transfer VLANs with a /31 (or /30 if the stack does not support /31) IP network. One VLAN between stack member 1 and new core 1, one between stack member 2 and new core 2, one between the two new core switches (that can be a /31 ļ. The OSPF link type should be point-to-point for all VLANs. You might want to enable iproute sharing on the Extreme core switches. You might want to extend the topology to use two additional VLANs between stack member 2 and core 2, and stack member 1 and core 2, if this is feasible (available ports, available fiber links, ...).