I'm multihomed with several upstream providers over two 480s and get full BGP routes from them. Both 480s are connected to two "core" 8806s that then connect to a bunch of 460s.
The 8806s are the default routers for all of our customers' public IP ranges.
I want to at least "pre-sort" Internet-bound traffic on the 8806s, so that they send the traffic to the right 480, so the 8806s are BGP neighbors to the 480s.
Now, the 8806s with the cards I have aren't necessarily designed to handle full BGP routes in fastpath, so I probably should somehow limit the BGP routes they receive from the 480s. My idea here was to only accept routes to networks that are a /16 or bigger (I may have to adjust the size). That way, I think, I at least pre-sort some of the traffic to the right outbound router, understanding that some traffic will still go from router1 to router2 out to the Internet - and as last resort, there's always the default route 😉
If I use the following policy inbound on the 8806s, would that properly limit my BGP routes on the 8806s to "only blocks from a /0 to /16" (or rather: denying /17 and larger masks, allowing the rest)? And yes, I'd play a similar game with ipv6.
Will the policy work as expected? Is there a better way?
configure bgp neigh route-policy in NoSmallBlocks
File: NoSmallBlocks.pol
entry DenySmallBlocks {
if match any {
nlri any/17;
nlri any-ipv6/33;
} then { deny; }
entry AllowRest {
if {
} then { allow; }
Thanks for all your help!