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(pending-AAA) disable

(pending-AAA) disable

New Contributor
what is (pending-AAA)...? is it possible to disable (Pending-AAA) in extreme switches...?
if yes plz give configuration...! if not so plz give detail reason...!

New Contributor III
I have to say that I also never got the whole "(pending-AAA)" message, I'd kind of personally take the view that if the CLI process isn't ready for a login for whatever reason, don't bother displaying the prompt.

The only thing I can think of is that it is a side effect of stacking and being able to REBOOT AS MASTER CAPABLE - if you didn't have the prompt you wouldn't be able to type that.


New Contributor
in black diamond ,this (pending-AAA) is not removing when i want to console the switch,i want to login switch but (pending-AAA) is coming all time and i cannot reach to login..

Valued Contributor III
Zain, if you're seeing this message on a BlackDiamond chassis, something else is wrong. As mentioned, try the other MSM.
The takeaway here is that you don't have the redundancy that you would expect to have with two MSMs.

Have you tried other Managrment module? I expect you have two modules and one is active one is not active.
Regards Zdeněk Pala