Sorry for the delay I have been traveling a lot. The best way to look at the commands is using the Command reference guide of of the Extreme website
Here's the command for setting a qosprofile as you can see you can set a committed rate and a peak rate
"configure qosprofile"
"BlackDiamond X8 series switches, BlackDiamond 8800 series switches, E4G-200 and E4G-400"
"switches, SummitStack, and Summit family switches:"
"configure qosprofile egress qosprofile [{minbw minbw_number} {maxbw maxbw_number}"
"| {peak_rate peak_bps [K | M]}] [ports [port_list | all]]"
"configure qosprofile qosprofile [{minbw minbw_number} {maxbw maxbw_number} |"
"{{committed_rate committed_bps [K | M]} {peak_rate peak_bps [K | M]} | [ports"
"[port_list | all]]"
"configure {qosprofile} qosprofile [[{maxbuffer buffer_percentage} {use-strict-"
"priority}] | [maxbuffer buffer_percentage ports [port_list | all]"
Hope that helps