Create Date: Oct 9 2012 3:29AM
Great help with this. A couple of questions if I may:
1. Is it mandatory to bundle ELRP with ESRP or can it be used as a standalone protocol
2. Again, I will be protecting the uplinks (switch to switch P2P) through EAPS. My interest is in the edge ports which you have clarified that this will help.
3. Since this is Extreme proprietary, how about in cases where I may have a non Extreme switch inadvertently hooked up (edge port to edge port - single vlan in access mode not tagged).
4. Lastly, can ELRP be used with M-LAG. I know that it is recommended that you do not use ELSM.
Can you please advise. Thank you again for the time and effort. (from Anush_Santhanam)