# Module vlan configuration.
configure vlan default delete ports all
configure vr VR-Default delete ports 1-50
configure vr VR-Default add ports 1-50
create vlan "data"
configure vlan data tag 20
create vlan "test"
configure vlan test tag 10
create vlan "unatagg"
configure vlan unatagg tag 50
configure ports 49 auto off speed 10000 duplex full
configure ports 50 auto off speed 10000 duplex full
configure vlan data add ports 1-2 tagged
configure vlan Default add ports 1-50 untagged
configure vlan test add ports 1-2 tagged
configure vr VR-Default delete protocol mpls
# Module stp configuration.
configure mstp region 0004968255cf
configure stpd s0 delete vlan default ports all
disable stpd s0 auto-bind vlan default
create stpd s1
create stpd s2
enable stpd s0 auto-bind vlan Default
configure stpd s0 add vlan Default ports 1 pvst-plus
configure stpd s1 add vlan test ports 1 emistp
configure stpd s2 add vlan data ports 1 emistp
configure stpd s0 add vlan Default ports 2 dot1d
configure stpd s1 add vlan test ports 2 pvst-plus
configure stpd s2 add vlan data ports 2 pvst-plus
configure stpd s0 tag 1
configure stpd s1 tag 10
enable stpd s1
configure stpd s2 tag 20
enable stpd s2
# Module vlan configuration.
configure vlan default delete ports all
configure vr VR-Default delete ports 1-12
configure vr VR-Default add ports 1-12
create vlan "data"
configure vlan data tag 20
create vlan "test"
configure vlan test tag 10
configure vlan data add ports 1-2 tagged
configure vlan Default add ports 1-12 untagged
configure vlan test add ports 1-2 tagged
configure vr VR-Default delete protocol mpls
# Module stp configuration.
configure mstp region 000496839c40
configure stpd s0 delete vlan default ports all
disable stpd s0 auto-bind vlan default
create stpd s1
create stpd s2
configure stpd s2 priority 1
enable stpd s0 auto-bind vlan Default
configure stpd s1 add vlan test ports 1 emistp
configure stpd s2 add vlan data ports 1 emistp
configure stpd s1 add vlan test ports 2 pvst-plus
configure stpd s2 add vlan data ports 2 pvst-plus
configure stpd s1 tag 10
enable stpd s1
configure stpd s2 tag 20
enable stpd s2
spanning-tree mode pvst
spanning-tree extend system-id
vlan 10,20-21
vlan 50
vlan 200
interface FastEthernet0/1
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
interface FastEthernet0/2
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/2
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
no shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet3/0/3
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
no shutdown
spanning-tree mode pvst
spanning-tree extend system-id
vlan 10,20-21
Point to be consider:
1) In Cisco, the Uplink to Extreme will be a trunk port. ( if not, ask him to do it) So, we need to add all the VLANs as tagged VLANs in the uplink port to Cisco.
2) In Cisco, there is no need to configure the tag value for VLAN/STP domain (every instance running in Cisco for per VLAN – can be called as different STP domain). Because they create VLAN with numbers which is the tag value.
So, we need to tag the STPD domain in our switch. We will be creating 1 STPD for 1 VLAN. So, for that STPD, the tag value should be exactly same as the VLAN which is participating in that STPD domain.
3) VLAN left is the “the native VLAN” in Cisco. By default, VLAN 1 is the native VLAN in Cisco. Check if customer is using the VLAN 1 for data purpose. If customer is not using, then just delete our VLAN “default” from the uplink port. If he is using, simply add our “Default” VLAN to any of the created STPD domain. Trust me, it will work. But, make sure you are adding the VLAN “default” to the same STPD domain in all the other switches.