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Show port Utilization command

Show port Utilization command

New Contributor
Hello, I have a question regarding the way Extreme switches display traffic direction on its ports.

We have a GPS/weather-receiver station connected to one of our switches (Summit X450e) that transmit data only one way (from the GPS unit to our network). Thus, I'd expected to see traffic going 'into' the switchport and nothing else. However, when I issue a 'sh port 1:44 utilization' command I get the total opposite, with traffic being transmitted 'from' the switchport instead of 'to' the switchport. Am I reading this wrong? Please see output below:

Slot-1 MySwitch# sh por 1:44 utilization
Link Utilization Averages Thu Aug 14 14:17:13 2014Port Link Rx Peak Rx Tx Peak Tx
State pkts/sec pkts/sec pkts/sec pkts/sec
GPS_Unit A 0 0 7 10

Any input is appreciated. Thanks.

New Contributor

Hi All, I am new here, just willing to know is there any way to know a particular port is going in bad state in respect of hardware, or you can say the port is healthy or not, my switch is X440G2-48p-10G4, many thanks in advance.

New Contributor
Daniel, I have reviewed the Command Reference Guide and could not find the answer... that's why I posted it here. The show ports statistics command is consistent with what I found on the show ports utilization command... I know that the GPS only transmits one-way (from the GPS unit to the port). However, the switch is reporting the packets being transmitted on that switchport port, not received. Unless Extreme meant that the 'Tx' on the show port statistics means 'packets transmitted to this port' instead of 'packets transmitted to this port'.

New Contributor
Daniel, I have reviewed the Command Reference Guide and could not find the answer... that's why I posted it here. The show ports statistics command is consistent with what I found on the show ports utilization command... I know that the GPS only transmits one-way (from the GPS unit to the port). However, the switch is reporting the packets being transmitted on that switchport port, not received. Unless Extreme meant that the 'Tx' on the show port statistics means 'packets transmitted to this port' instead of 'packets transmitted to this port'.

Extreme Employee

Show port utilization displays packets per second. If the GPS does not transmit frequently, this might show as 0 pps...

Have you tried using show ports statistics, which shows the number of packets transmitted and received?

And regarding your question as to what does Tx and Rx stand for, remember that the documentation is your best friend (in the old days we used to say RTFM, but that's a bit rude by today's standards... hahaha)

From the description of the show ports statistics command in EXOS Command Reference Guide for Release 15.3.2, page 1069:

Collected Port Statistics
The switch collects the following port statistic information:
• Port Number
• Link State—The current state of the link. Options are:
• Active (A)—The link is present at this port.
• Ready (R)—The port is ready to accept a link.
• Not Present (NP)—The port is configured, but the module is not installed in the slot (modular
switches only).
• Loopback (L)—The port is in Loopback mode.
• Transmitted Packet Count (Tx Pkt Count)—The number of packets that have been successfully
transmitted by the port.
• Transmitted Byte Count (Tx Byte Count)—The total number of data bytes successfully transmitted
by the port.
• Received Packet Count (RX Pkt Count)—The total number of good packets that have been received by the port.
• Received Byte Count (RX Byte Count)—The total number of bytes that were received by the port,
including bad or lost frames. This number includes bytes contained in the Frame Check Sequence
(FCS), but excludes bytes in the preamble.
• Received Broadcast (RX Bcast)—The total number of frames received by the port that are addressed to a broadcast address.