Hi there,
I'm new to ExtremeOS, im trying to setup SSH and Web management of an X450a-24t.
I have given the mgmt vlan an ip address.
And i have created a new vlan, vlan 4094 (ManagementVLAN) an ipaddress.
But i cant access either from the lan.
Can help with a step by step guide on how to configure this correctly?
Here is a screen grab of my vlan config.
Name VID Protocol Addr Flags Proto Ports Virtual
Active router
Default 1 --------------------------------T------------ ANY 0 /26 VR-Default
ManagementVLAN 4094 --------------------------------------------- ANY 0 /0 VR-Default
Mgmt 4095 /16 ------------------------- ANY 1 /1 VR-Mgmt
Many thanks,