Create Date: Apr 24 2012 12:18PM
Hi All
I have 8 new x460 (6x48t,2x24x) with SummitStackV80 modules and QSPF+ active fiber cables. All switches have been upgraded to the latest firmware ( On first boot, the stack links were up and the stack was configured with easy-setup. Configuring and rebooting the stack several times was working, the stack always came up again, all stack-ports up. But as soon as I powered the switches off and on, the stack-ports did not come up again and I ended up with 8 master switches with no links between them. After a long time of searching for a solution, I found out, that I was able to reactivat the stack-ports by doing a "run diag stack". The whole procedure was repeated several times, always after powering off and on the stack-ports did not come up again...
Somebody ever saw anything like this?
Best regards JAN
(from Joerg_Anliker)