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Strange behaviour while adding port to sharing group

Strange behaviour while adding port to sharing group

New Contributor
I have a ring of 4 X670-48x running exos " patch1-6". Each switch are connected to its neighbour with 4x10gig sharing group links, and also to 4 cisco cat6509 with similar 4x10gig sharing group links - like this
So last night i've tried to add empty enabled port to one sharing group between cisco and extreme.
This is the existing sharing group:
enable sharing 17 grouping 17-20 algorithm address-based L3_L4 lacpAnd this was the command
conf sharing 17 add ports 21and the whole ring crashed. I've lost access to all network and was saved only by rebooting that switch.
What did I do wrong?


New Contributor
I had like this experience with sharing group between extreme and juniper. But in my case the ring crashed after plugging the new port. That was a juniper problem for mode negotiation not related to extreme. I think your case is related to xos image. try to get it upgraded to recent one.

Extreme Employee
Hi Valur,

One more question in addition to the ones Prashanth asked. Was the switch where the LAG changes were made the EAPS master? Or was it just a transit node?


Extreme Employee
Hi Valur,

Before we could jump into any conclusions about what could have happened, please clarify the following:
- On the ports connecting to the CISCO, are you using STP to prevent the loop? If so, are those ports untagged or tagged in the STP VLANs?
- When the problem happened, you had mentioned that the ring crashed. Can you elaborate on that? Did you experience a situation where the secondary port was open and the loop occurred within the ring?

In my opinion, EAPS should not break for any changes that are made outside the ring ports.
Awaiting your response!

New Contributor
I had like this experience with sharing group between extreme and juniper. But in my case the ring crashed after plugging the new port. That was a juniper problem for mode negotiation not related to extreme. I think your case is related to xos image. try to get it upgraded to recent one.