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Supervlan and needless DHCP Requests

Supervlan and needless DHCP Requests

New Contributor

If I use separate vlans on Extreme X450-24 ver. with bootprelay, DHCP works fine for my client-device. At first there are DhcpDiscover,DhcpOffer,DhcpRequest and DhcpAck and than there are one DhcpRequest + one DhcpAck during right time-period. All right.

But if I begin to use supervlan, the situation is changed. My device sends one DhcpRequest but receives 2 replays.

client-device <-> switch <-> extreme witch supervlan and bootprelay <-> DHCP server

When I have mirrored traffic between switch and extreme I have seen so situation (by tcpdump):
17:20:51.442246 IP client_ip.68 > dhcp_server_ip.67: BOOTP/DHCP, Request from e8:94:f6:53:cf:45, length 548
17:20:51.442803 IP dhcp_server_ip.67 > client_ip.68: BOOTP/DHCP, Reply, length 300
17:20:51.443525 IP dhcp_server_ip.67 > client_ip.68: BOOTP/DHCP, Reply, length 300

When I have mirrored traffic between extreme and DHCP server I have seen other situation (by tcpdump):
16:08:21.422645 IP client_ip.bootpc > dhcp_server_ip.bootps: BOOTP/DHCP, Request from e8:94:f6:53:cf:45, length 548
16:08:21.423216 IP dhcp_server_ip.bootps > client_ip.bootpc: BOOTP/DHCP, Reply, length 300
16:08:21.423477 IP client_ip.bootpc > dhcp_server_ip.bootps: BOOTP/DHCP, Request from e8:94:f6:53:cf:45, length 548
16:08:21.424140 IP dhcp_server_ip.bootps > client_ip.bootpc: BOOTP/DHCP, Reply, length 300

So, after extreme we have duplicate of DhcpRequest packet.
I think extreme makes it. Why does it make this?

I have used also dhcpdump on DHCP server, but both Requests are identical

How can I fix this situation?

Thank you.

Valued Contributor
Hello, Viktor!

Actually you describing of you config/topology - I don't understand.

Can you, please, show supervlan and bootprelay configuration.
And also scheme with pointed ports, vlans/subvlans/supervlans.

Also - can it be loop in your scheme?

Thank you!

But if we divide IP-address range for sub-vlan, what difference will be between separate vlans and sub-vlans in supervlan? We want to use all ip for all vlans, without dividing pools. We want to divide only broadcast domain with using different vlans.

I meaned earlier - NOT assign IP address for sub-vlan interface, but divide IP-address range for sub-vlan users "configure vlan vsub1 subvlan-address-range -"

Thank you!

The whole address range from supervlan is permitted for using in subvlans. Client can get any ip address. Which restriction do you mean?

We don't use dhcp snooping on extreme.
When we tried to add ipaddress to subvlans we got message: “Sub-VLAN test-su-1 cannot be configured with IP address”.

Thank you.