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switch summit-x670 shutdown when I removed 3 ports from the default vlan tag 1

switch summit-x670 shutdown when I removed 3 ports from the default vlan tag 1

New Contributor
switch summit-x670 shutdown when I removed 3 ports from the default vlan tag 1. I had to do a hard reset to bring it back online. Does anyone know what could have happened?

New Contributor
No. traffic would take port 3 to get to the switch. ports 3 (master) and 4 are in one lacp group as well. So i did move port 3 from the "Default" vlan as I did port 1. Thank you for your time.

Extreme Employee
Is port 1 the path traffic would take to get to this switch?

New Contributor
No, the network is not a full extreme network. But the switch is uplinked to an extreme switch, which is the distribution switch. I see no output with the "show edp ports all" command". Here is the out put from "show sharing". So in this case, for example, i removed port 1 from the "Default" vlan.


Extreme Employee
Is this a full extreme network? if so can you provide us with the following:

"show edp ports all"
"show sharing"

New Contributor
And yes, I did reboot with the last saved config and everything is back to normal. However, these ports are also back in the "Default" vlan. I was going to console in first but realized the servers connected to it have to be up 24/7. Rebooting was the fastest approach at the time.