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Trunk EXOS switch to a Cisco switch

Trunk EXOS switch to a Cisco switch

New Contributor II

I've worked with Cisco switches for years and never used an Extreme switch before. I have to trunk one to our Cisco network so have a Cisco switch and Extreme switch in a GNS3 lab.

I have had no luck getting a dot1q trunk working. I have the 2 switches connected and a workstation plugged into either switch.

I want to use to start very basic:

VLAN 100 (sales)
Native VLAN 999

VLAN 100 IP should be

VLAN 100 IP should be
Trunk should be on port 12
Workstation in port 1 in VLAN 100

Can someone help with the Extreme config?


New Contributor II
Thanks, I'm now onto the trunk to the Cisco switch. On the trunk port on the extreme what show trunk commands are there to see the state of it please as it seems the trunk is not working?

I've configured the Cisco side like I normally do on dot1q and set the native vlan to 999 and allowed all vlans.

On the extreme it's not so easy to see like a Cisco switch lays it out:

configure vlan default delete ports all
configure vr VR-Default delete ports 1-12
configure vr VR-Default add ports 1-12
configure vlan default delete ports 1,12
create vlan "VLAN100"
configure vlan VLAN100 tag 100
create vlan "VLAN_0999"
configure vlan VLAN_0999 tag 999
configure vlan Default add ports 2-11 untagged
configure vlan VLAN100 add ports 1,12 untagged
configure vlan VLAN_0999 add ports 12 tagged
configure vlan VLAN100 ipaddress

The workstation on the extreme (port 1) can ping vlan 100 now which is good.

Valued Contributor II

for that to be working (pinging VLAN 100 IP address) you have to have the workstation on port 1 in that VLAN. I wasn't sure what kind of a workstation is that.
What you could do right now:
configure vlan 999 delete ports 1
configure vlan 100 add port 1

There is also an option to only issue the second command if you had auto-move feature for untagged ports enabled (this can be checked with "show vlan" and modified with "configure vlan untagged-ports auto-move").

Hope that helps,

New Contributor II

I have configured what you said and put a workstation into port 1 on and tried to ping and it failed. I want to get the local LAN working before the trunk works.

Here is my config:

# Module vpex configuration.

# Module vlan configuration.
configure vlan default delete ports all
configure vr VR-Default delete ports 1-12
configure vr VR-Default add ports 1-12
configure vlan default delete ports 1,12
create vlan "VLAN100"
configure vlan VLAN100 tag 100
create vlan "VLAN_0999"
configure vlan VLAN_0999 tag 999
disable port 1
disable port 2
disable port 3
disable port 4
disable port 5
disable port 6
disable port 7
disable port 8
disable port 9
disable port 10
disable port 11
disable port 12
configure vlan Default add ports 2-11 untagged
configure vlan VLAN100 add ports 12 untagged
configure vlan VLAN_0999 add ports 12 tagged
configure vlan VLAN_0999 add ports 1 untagged
configure vlan VLAN100 ipaddress

# Module mcmgr configuration.

Valued Contributor II

If I understand your case correctly, you would need this:
  create vlan 100 //it'll create VID 100 with name VLAN_0100, OR do "create vlan [somename] tag 100" instead; in any case you can refer to VLANs by "vlan [vid]" or "[vlan name]" in any command since couple of last firmware release versions; this enhancement allows you to issue a command for a range of VLANs, e.g. create vlan 101-120
create vlan 999
configure vlan 100 ipaddress //or with full dotted-decimal notion for a netmask; you can also abbreviate, "conf vlan 100 ip" would do the job as well
configure vlan 100 add ports 1,12 tagged //you can mix dash and comma for a list of ports, e.g. "1-2,5,8-12,23"
configure vlan 999 add ports 12 tagged
configure vlan 999 add ports 1 (untagged - by default)

If I'm not 100% correct with getting the idea at the moment, you can easily modify these commands to get your intended result.
I'd recommend you have a look at EXOS Command Reference Guide any time you need to understand the command beyond what a question mark in the CLI tells you, and EXOS User Guide whenever you want to read entire chapter on how a certain feature works and how to configure it step by step. These can be found here and you can use top-right dropdown to select your EXOS firmware version:

Hope that helps,