05-04-2019 05:38 PM
05-06-2019 06:08 PM
05-06-2019 01:42 PM
configure vlan 999 delete ports 1
configure vlan 100 add port 1
05-06-2019 01:36 PM
05-05-2019 07:48 PM
create vlan 100 //it'll create VID 100 with name VLAN_0100, OR do "create vlan [somename] tag 100" instead; in any case you can refer to VLANs by "vlan [vid]" or "[vlan name]" in any command since couple of last firmware release versions; this enhancement allows you to issue a command for a range of VLANs, e.g. create vlan 101-120
create vlan 999
configure vlan 100 ipaddress //or with full dotted-decimal notion for a netmask; you can also abbreviate, "conf vlan 100 ip" would do the job as well
configure vlan 100 add ports 1,12 tagged //you can mix dash and comma for a list of ports, e.g. "1-2,5,8-12,23"
configure vlan 999 add ports 12 tagged
configure vlan 999 add ports 1 (untagged - by default)