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Trying to link Extreme X440 to Dell S4112F-On via LAG / LACP

Trying to link Extreme X440 to Dell S4112F-On via LAG / LACP

New Contributor II

Hello Everyone,

First, a little background. I am a 1 man 1 stop IT shop for a 400+ user production environment, managing all facets of the infrastructure where I work. To say that my typical day in insane, would be a massive understatement. 

On to my problem, I have been trying to figure out how to establish a connection between our new infrastructure (VM hosts, Data store, core network backbone) and our existing switching infrastructure, and as it stands, I cannot get the connection established.

Diagram below:


I have set-up a test network so that nothing will be impacting production, until I can figure this out.

There is a very good possibility that I am trying to over complicate this and if I am, please just let me know, I am open to suggestions. 

I have had all this dumped in my lap, with a timeline breathing down my neck, and I am feeling out of my depth, so any input would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!


New Contributor II

Turns out that STP was not the problem at all and everything on the Dell side was verified correctly. The Extreme X440 connectivity would not work due to the lack of native 10GB support, which I found out after calling into the GTAC, and had a Tech remote in to see what was going on, at which point I found out that the Extreme X440 cannot communicate with a SPF+ connection on ANY on the front ports on the switch, so we turned on the 30-day ā€œdual port 10GB demo licenseā€, reset the ports from 23 & 24 to 25 & 26, and everything worked perfectly. 

TL:DR - Turned on 10GB on Extreme Side, set ports 25 & 26 (these ports are the 10GB ports/ non-stacking) in LACP sharing for 10GB functionality, and it works.

View solution in original post


Extreme Employee

Sorry, and the output of ā€œshow sharingā€

New Contributor II

LACP PDUs dropped on non-LACP ports : 0
LACP Bulk checkpointed msgs sent    : 0
LACP Bulk checkpointed msgs recv    : 0
LACP PDUs checkpointed sent         : 0
LACP PDUs checkpointed recv         : 0

Lag        Member     Rx       Rx Drop  Rx Drop  Rx Drop  Tx       Tx
Group      Port       Ok       PDU Err  Not Up   Same MAC Sent Ok  Xmit Err
23         23         0        0        0        0        0        0
           24         0        0        0        0        0        0



Extreme Employee



Can you provide the output of ā€œshow lacp countersā€ from the EXOS switch?



Chris Thompson

New Contributor II

Current Switch Config:

configure sys-recovery-level switch reset

# Module vlan configuration.
configure vlan default delete ports all
configure vr VR-Default delete ports 1-28
configure vr VR-Default add ports 1-28
configure vlan default delete ports 24
enable jumbo-frame ports all
create vlan "Camera"
configure vlan Camera tag 2
create vlan "PLC-Industrial"
configure vlan PLC-Industrial tag 6
create vlan "Speakers"
configure vlan Speakers tag 3
create vlan "SVR-SW-PTR-PC-PRD_Entry"
configure vlan SVR-SW-PTR-PC-PRD_Entry tag 5
create vlan "Wireless-Guest"
configure vlan Wireless-Guest tag 9
create vlan "Wireless-Secure"
configure vlan Wireless-Secure tag 4
enable sharing 23 grouping 23-24 algorithm address-based L2 lacp
configure vlan Camera add ports 23 tagged
configure vlan Default add ports 1-23,25-28 untagged
configure vlan PLC-Industrial add ports 23 tagged
configure vlan Speakers add ports 23 tagged
configure vlan SVR-SW-PTR-PC-PRD_Entry add ports 23 tagged
configure vlan Wireless-Guest add ports 23 tagged
configure vlan Wireless-Secure add ports 23 tagged
configure vlan Default ipaddress

# Module mcmgr configuration.

# Module fdb configuration.

# Module rtmgr configuration.
enable icmp useredirects

# Module policy configuration.

# Module aaa configuration.
configure account admin encrypted "$5$K1ScmX$IqNbqVjCs96GsrXWgUgIgGSzDS3ynWMmFz/d7S9nAcB"

# Module acl configuration.

configure access-list zone SYSTEM application VlanManager application-priority 18
configure access-list zone SYSTEM application SlppGuard application-priority 19

# Module bfd configuration.

# Module cfgmgr configuration.

# Module dosprotect configuration.

# Module dot1ag configuration.

# Module eaps configuration.

# Module edp configuration.
enable cdp ports 1
enable cdp ports 2
enable cdp ports 3
enable cdp ports 4
enable cdp ports 5
enable cdp ports 6
enable cdp ports 7
enable cdp ports 8
enable cdp ports 9
enable cdp ports 10
enable cdp ports 11
enable cdp ports 12
enable cdp ports 13
enable cdp ports 14
enable cdp ports 15
enable cdp ports 16
enable cdp ports 17
enable cdp ports 18
enable cdp ports 19
enable cdp ports 20
enable cdp ports 21
enable cdp ports 22
enable cdp ports 23
enable cdp ports 24
enable cdp ports 25
enable cdp ports 26
enable cdp ports 27
enable cdp ports 28

# Module elrp configuration.

# Module ems configuration.

# Module epm configuration.

# Module erps configuration.

# Module esrp configuration.

# Module ethoam configuration.

# Module etmon configuration.

# Module exsshd configuration.

# Module hal configuration.

# Module idMgr configuration.
enable identity-management

# Module ipSecurity configuration.

# Module ipfix configuration.

# Module lacp configuration.
configure lacp member-port 24 priority 1

# Module lldp configuration.

# Module mrp configuration.

# Module msdp configuration.

# Module netLogin configuration.

# Module netTools configuration.
configure dns-client add name-server vr VR-Default
configure dns-client add domain-suffix
configure sntp-client primary vr VR-Mgmt
enable sntp-client

# Module nodealias configuration.

# Module ntp configuration.

# Module poe configuration.

# Module rip configuration.

# Module ripng configuration.

# Module snmpMaster configuration.
configure snmpv3 engine-id 03:00:04:96:e3:ee:d2
configure snmpv3 add user "hsadmin" engine-id 80:00:07:7c:03:00:04:96:e3:ee:d2 authentication md5 auth-encrypted localized-key 23:24:6e:39:48:55:67:78:76:61:64:30:54:6f:61:71:32:2f:4d:31:4e:34:41:69:47:51:74:53:34:76:4a:67:7a:34:70:50:72:4f:71:6a:47:4f:38:71:6d:4d:47:36:6e:54:76:62:6f:3d privacy aes 128 privacy-encrypted localized-key 23:24:30:4b:73:34:42:37:38:54:7a:57:73:39:33:30:77:51:33:63:2f:46:5a:52:38:49:55:6d:36:53:4b:77:6f:4b:69:42:58:76:56:51:75:77:56:33:72:35:47:52:33:4b:33:75:67:3d
configure snmpv3 add group "admin" user "hsadmin" sec-model usm
enable snmp access
enable snmp access snmp-v1v2c
enable snmp access snmpv3

# Module stp configuration.

# Module techSupport configuration.
enable tech-support collector

# Module telnetd configuration.

# Module tftpd configuration.

# Module thttpd configuration.

# Module twamp configuration.

# Module vmt configuration.

# Module vsm configuration.