I'm sorry. I made a mistake. I can only say in my defense that today is Monday...
Your problem is the PRIORITY of the route origin and that is not solved by changing costs.
Each route origin has a certain relative priority.

Static has a higher priority than RIP so a static route will ALWAYS be preferred over RIP routes, no matter the cost.
The command to change the PRIORITY of route origin is:
configure iproute {ipv4} priority [blackhole | bootp | ebgp | ibgp | icmp | isis | isis-level-1 | isis-level-1-external | isis-level-2 | isis-level-2-external | mpls | ospf-as-external | ospf-extern1 | ospf-extern2 | ospf-inter | ospf-intra | rip | static] priority {vr vrname}
However,THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED. The documentation says:
Although these priorities can be changed, do not attempt any manipulation unless you are expertly familiar with the possible consequences. If you change the route priority, you must save the configuration and reboot the system.
The priority for a blackhole route cannot overlap with the priority of any other route origin.