Also, if you are just trying to get port capabilities for one slot of the stack, you can specify the slot number with a wildcard for the port. See the example below for slot 2.
Slot-1 Extreme.4 # show port 2:* configuration no-refresh Port Configuration Port Virtual Port Link Auto Speed Duplex Flow Load Media router State State Neg Cfg Actual Cfg Actual Cntrl Master Pri Red ================================================================================ 2:1 VR-Default E A ON AUTO 1000 AUTO FULL NONE 1:1 UTP 2:2 VR-Default E R ON AUTO AUTO UTP 2:3 VR-Default E R ON AUTO AUTO UTP ... 2:49 VR-Default E R OFF 10000 FULL NONE 2:50 VR-Default E R OFF 10000 FULL NONE 2:51 VR-Default E R OFF 10000 FULL NONE 2:52 VR-Default E R OFF 10000 FULL NONE ================================================================================ > indicates Port Display Name truncated past 8 characters Link State: A-Active, R-Ready, NP-Port Not Present, L-Loopback Port State: D-Disabled,E-Enabled, Media: %-Licensed, !-Unsupported, $-Restricted Media Red: * - use "show port info detail" for redundant media type Flow Cntrl: Shows link partner's abilities. NONE if Auto Neg is OFF