How to Configure SMLT with VLACP, Flex UNI Port and FA Properly on Exos
Hi, we are currently using VOSS 9.0.4. Both BeBs are configured with DVR and DVR Leaf Virtual-IST.
The switch cluster BeB nodes are working properly and are interconnected via an ISIS link and a separate link over the distribution BCB nodes (not the same). In the fabric, all links are NNI links with ISIS.
On the access side, we have a UNI Flex Port with FA connecting to an EXOS switch (
The UNI links on VOSS seem to be configured with LACP (see image):
lacp key 1 aggregation enable timeout-time short
LACP and VLACP are enabled globally on the switch.
On the EXOS side, the link is currently configured as static sharing.
This works more or less okay, but in some cases, we encounter problems when one of the links between EXOS and VOSS breaks (especially when removing an SFP+ on one of the ports).
I tried to configure EXOS sharing with LACP using various modes:
this sounds a bit weared to me...
First of all: VLACP is a feature, which is only supported on VOSS/FabricEngine OS. DO NOT use it for connections to EXOS or any other switches!
For LACP-based connection there is not much to configure. If your VIST between the VOSS nodes is up & running, you would only need this (in my example mlt 13 is LACP based SMLT connecting to EXOS with LACP sharing group.
config terminal
## it is important to set /verify lacp smlt-sys-id to be IDENTICAL on both VOSS peers
lacp smlt-sys-id 02:0a:01:01:00:01
lacp enable
interface mlt 13
lacp enable key 13
interface GigabitEthernet 1/3
lacp key 13 aggregation enable
lacp enable
On EXOS switch it's even simpler (here ports 49 & 50 are the links connecting to the VIST cluster):
enable sharing 49 grouping 49-50 algorithm address-based L2 lacp
hope this helps!