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What is the fix for X440-24t Temperature Very Hot Warning Error

What is the fix for X440-24t Temperature Very Hot Warning Error

What is the fix for X440-24t Temperature Very Hot Warning Error???

This is newly buy X440-24t and this temp err is happening. Please advice.

I saw a lot of post regarding this X440-24t temperature error.

I have upgraded to Recommended Release patch1-5. Still encounter the issue.

Current State: OPERATIONALImage Selected: secondary
Image Booted: secondary
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:

10/22/2015 05:14:19.58 : Environment warning reported. Setting Environment LED color to Amber10/22/2015 05:14:19.58 : Switch: Temperature (69 C) is reaching maximum limit (70 Celsius). (X440-24t, P/N: 800471-00-14, S/N: 1519N-41648, Rev: 14.0)

* X440-24t.2 # sh temperature
Field Replaceable Units Temp (C) Status Min Normal Max
Switch : X440-24t 38.00 Normal -10 0-48 55
* X440-24t.3 #

Now in the same room with other X250e and X440 switches temperature status.

Why is the different NORMAL Temp range?

Why X440 Temp is so hot? Room Temp is around 25.

What is watchdog warm reset?

10/23/2015 00:39:21.93 : Booting after System Failure.10/23/2015 00:39:21.53 : Changing to watchdog warm reset mode

X250 is working fine with no issue.

X440-24t.2 # sh temperature
Field Replaceable Units Temp (C) Status Min Normal Max
Switch : X440-24t 46.00 Normal -10 0-48 55

X250e-48p-SW # sh temField Replaceable Units Temp (C) Status
Switch : X250e-48p 39.50 Normal

Temp Range: -10.00 (Min), 0.00-60.50 (Normal), 62.90 (Max)

X250e-48p firmware version


X250e-48t-SW # sh temp
Field Replaceable Units Temp (C) Status Min Normal Max
Switch : X250e-48t 36.50 Normal -10 0-54 59

X250e-48t running with patch1-6

Hi Prashanth,

I am still using patch1-5 and seeing the mainboard hot spot temperature.

What is the different between switch temperature and the hotspot sensor?

What is the error? Is it software bug or hardware fault?

What is the solution?

10/24/2015 04:16:52.44 : Switch: mainboard hot spot temperature (66 C) is back to operating range (10 to 69 Celsius). (X440-24t, P/N: 800471-00-14, S/N: 1521N-41334, Rev: 14.0)10/24/2015 04:12:37.48 : Environment warning reported. Setting Environment LED color to Amber
10/24/2015 04:12:37.48 : Switch: mainboard hot spot temperature (69 C) is reaching maximum limit (70 Celsius). (X440-24t, P/N: 800471-00-14, S/N: 1521N-41334, Rev: 14.0)

* X440-24t.7 # sh fans
FanTray information:
State: Operational
NumFan: 2
Fan-1: Operational at 11000 RPM
Fan-2: Operational at 11000 RPM

* X440-24t.8 # sh temp
Field Replaceable Units Temp (C) Status Min Normal Max
Switch : X440-24t 45.50 Normal -10 0-48 55
* X440-24t.9 #

Current State: OPERATIONAL
Image Selected: secondary
Image Booted: secondary
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:

Thank you for the support and reply.

Extreme Employee
Hi Paul,

Thanks for agreeing to test further.

I did a quick test with patch 1-5 in X440-24t lab switch.

I see that it is reporting the hotspot temperature separately in the log.

Current State: OPERATIONALImage Selected: primary
Image Booted: primary
Primary ver:
Secondary ver:

(debug) X440-24t.6 # 10/24/2015 04:09:00.93 Switch: mainboard temperature (-2 C) is reaching minimum limit (-10 Celsius). (X440-24t, P/N: 800471-00-11, S/N: 1336N-45908, Rev: 11.0)10/24/2015 04:09:00.93 Environment warning reported. Setting Environment LED color to Amber
10/24/2015 04:09:00.94 Switch: mainboard hot spot temperature (-2 C) below operating range (0 to 70 Celsius) (X440-24t, P/N: 800471-00-11, S/N: 1336N-45908, Rev: 11.0)

Can you please verify the log in 15.6.3 patch 1-5 again and let me know if the log reports switch temperature or the hotspot sensor?

Test with patch 1-6 as well to be sure.
Looking forward to the results!

Hi Prashanth, thank you for the reply. I will downgrade to and see the switch temperature status error. For that any patch version you prefer? If still encounter I will contact GTAC. Thanks. -Paul

Extreme Employee
Hi Paul,

It seems like the switch is still displaying the hotspot sensor temperature instead of the actual switch temperature.

Symptoms look similar to this article:

X440 FAN does not work, node will shutdown in overheat condition

I would like you to confirm if the fans start rotating when the warning occurs. If it is not. then the warning displayed may be of the temperature of the hotspot sensor as explained in the article. (The switch is not overheated only that the hotspot sensor is reporting high value)

I am little surprised that the warning still says the switch temperature rather than the hotspot sensor in the version patch 1-5.

10/22/2015 05:14:19.58 : Environment warning reported. Setting Environment LED color to Amber10/22/2015 05:14:19.58 : Switch: Temperature (69 C) is reaching maximum limit (70 Celsius). (X440-24t, P/N: 800471-00-14, S/N: 1519N-41648, Rev: 14.0)

Because, as per the CR xos0055347 of the article,

Incorrect temperature warnings in summit switches

the warning message should indicate the hotspot sensor in the message instead of the switch like in the log below.

11/06/2014 09:59:50.09 : Switch: mainboard hot spot temperature (2 C) is reaching minimum limit (0 Celsius). (X440-48t, P/N: 800473-00-01, S/N: 1150G-00105, Rev: 1.0)

If possible, could you test in the version and check how the temperature warning is displayed. this might be an additional information that might be helpful for our investigation.

Irrespective of the result, I would suggest opening a GTAC case to check the reason behind the error message.

Hope this helps!