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X480 bcast flood

X480 bcast flood

Valued Contributor
Hi, all!

Have X480 as border.
Yesterday begin big bcast flood in local network.
Investigate show that it was scanning for local net from Internet, so IP addresses which wasn't in IP-ARP table was asked by X480 - ARP who is xx.xx.xx.xx in local. As there big local network, and a lot of IP-addresses wasn't active - X480 made big bcast flood.

As workaroung we can
- increase time of keeping arp in table

Any more ideas?

I receive advice - to make arp-passive mode (X480 transmit bcast arp query only when client from local net give arp query) - how I can configure this?

Thank you!

Valued Contributor
Thank's for all!

I thnk it would be the best decision.

New Contributor II
They using dynamic IP addresses or static ?

Maybe you can use ip-security function.
When host get address via switch relay, switch creates a ip-security dhcp-snooping entries.
This can add a static arp also with ip-security arp learning learn-from-dhcp

Valued Contributor
Via DHCP from external server, not switch dhcp.

New Contributor II
You have customers that obtaining address via DHCP or use a static IP ?


Valued Contributor
I can't deny arp requests - because in my case swich work correct.
But in case when somebody scan my network, disconnected clients -> arp table in X480 haven't their MAC/IP records -> send a lot of bcast arp-who_is messages -> big load of network