Hi Simon,
The virtual EXOS image should run just fine in ESXi with some modifications to the VM properties before it is installed.
When building the new VM, choose “Other Linux 64-bit” for the type. You’ll have to edit the properties of it once it’s “created” and delete the existing hard disk (should be SCSI) add a new one that is a 256MB IDE drive (instead of SCSI). Memory should be 256MB as well. Mount the ISO in the CD drive, and fire away.

A note on the network adapters... the first one is for the out-of-band management port. You can have 3 ports on the network side (I think that’s the limit at least). Those need to be E1000 mode ports. You can use vSwitches in VMware to connect different EXOSpc instances. You can also map those to NICs on a server and have a physical port to connect to.
Please let me know if you have questions. I’ll be glad to answer them. I can also build an OVA file and share it with you if needed.