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XoS in Vmware ESXi

XoS in Vmware ESXi

New Contributor II
Quick question, can the virtual XOS image that seems to be designed for virtual box be made to run on Vmware ESXi, the reason for this request is we already have virtual versions of most vendor products, this can be connected together inside the ESXi Environment, this is great for training and simulating customer issues. However try as I might I cannot convert this to run in ESXi.


Initially I had switch running image 15.3 and I've created to machines, one using virtual box and the other one using Qemu. I'v upgrade both switches to 15.7 and virtual box booted ok.
VBOX: After upgrade


Qemu: After upgrade


Qemu: booting from secondary partition:


My question is why would 15.3 boot and 15.7 not able to boot on the same platform.

They are just different versions of EXOS.

The image above is the firmware file needed to update the VM. It is not the VM itself...

If you need the EXOS v15.7.1.4 VM for Virtualbox, use this one:

what's the difference between bd10ki386-15.7 and 15.3 or 15.4 . I can boot 15.3 and 15.4 using Qemu, but not 15.7. I manage to boot all using vbox.

New Contributor II
Is it possible to upgrade and downgrade the VM, I've attempted all 3 of the image types, ( summit, bd8800 and x8. each time with the same result, its important to have the same version as our customers when running through their fault scenarios.

* XOS4.5 # download image bdX- vr "VR-Mgmt" Note: The inactive partition (primary) will be used for installation.
Do you want to install image after downloading? (y - yes, n - no, - cancel) Yes

Downloading to Switch......................................................................................................................Error: Failed to download image - Error: File BDX is not suitable for UNKNOWN.

Extreme Employee
The first NIC always goes to the mgmt port, so the best thing to do is to point it to a Host-only network (usually vmnet1).

Then, to interconnect several VMs, create new networks using the Virtual Network Editor (under Edit menu) and configure them as Host-only, unchecking Connect a host and Use local DHCP service.

These networks should be used as point to point links between two switches.